ASAP Student Benefits

Program Overview

Students who join ASAP will be notified and invited to events with enhanced academic, cultural, and professional/leadership development opportunities. See the four pillars below!




Students will…

  • Develop a sense of belonging and deeper connections to students, faculty, and staff 
  • Connect with campus and community networks of support
  • Build relationships with faculty and staff mentors
Academic Support


Students will…

  • Understand the academic rhythm of the year and key milestones
  • Connect to academic resources
  • Develop confidence in their ability to succeed as a student
Passion, Purpose, & Career Preparation


Students will…

  • Explore what brings them joy and meaning
  • Find pathways to explore career interests
  • Develop skills necessary for life after graduation
Leadership Development


Students will…

  • Feel a sense of confidence and agency in their ability to lead
  • Understand their strengths and growth areas
  • Identify opportunities on campus and/or in the community to serve as leaders

Page last modified September 5, 2024