2023-2024 RCN Contract Priorities

hands showing plants

START's Compelling Why

Ensuring equity, because all students need to be taught in inclusive settings with peers by caring staff prepared to deliver evidence-based educational and behavioral supports. 

Priority 1: Professional Development and Resource Dissemination

Core Activities

Develop and implement a PD plan for each ISD based on district needs. 

  1. Deliver PD using START module content, resources, and tools based on identified needs in the PD plan.
  2. Access START training based on identified needs in the PD plan.
  3. Provide coaching follow-up as part of the PD plan to ensure implementation of training content.
  4. Develop an EPLI trainer development plan based on the current number of trainers and relevant data.
  5. Identify at least one training delivered by EPLI trainers to post on the START events page.
  6. Disseminate resources and tools (e.g., CETA, START-isms, schedule matrix, behavior script template, family engagement practices) that support training content through meetings, newsletters, emails, social media, and other relevant outlets.

Considerations for Training Development


  • START EPLI modules (specify) 
  • START EBP module sections or content (specify) 
  • CETA
  • Coaching
  • Effective team process and meeting mechanics
  • Creating and supporting meaningful family engagement as part of the student’s school team


  • Team-based training series
  • Stand-alone training with coaching follow-up
  • Building level team training with embedded coaching
  • Virtual training format as a single event or series with coaching support
  • Online PD “course” with coaching support

Priority 2: Establishing a Coaching Structure

Core Activities

Develop a coaching structure within each ISD and district to support buildings and classrooms. 

  1. Each ISD establishes and sustains a coaching structure and plan with coach leaders and building coaches utilizing START Coaching resources (e.g., Coaching Structure Guidebook). 
  2. The RCN/ISD develops a plan to train and support district and building coaches to use effective coaching practices for implementation of evidence-based practices (EBP). Use the Coaching Structure Development Checklist as a tool to guide your planning.
  3. Disseminate and model the use of START resources and tools for coaching.

Priority 3: Coaching for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices (EBP)

Core Activities

Coaches support classroom teams to follow a process for enhancing the use of evidence-based practices to support students in the classroom. This includes use of the CETA data and student data to develop priorities for strengthening the use of EBPs in the classroom. 

  • Single-County RCNs: 
    • Identify at least 5 Focus Classrooms and complete a CETA in each classroom, set priorities, and track progress. 
      • Submit a CETA Reflection Tool for each classroom at the end of the year. 
    • Identify at least 1 Focus Student for each Focus Classroom.
      • Submit a Focus Student Data Form for each student at the beginning and end of the year.
  • Multi-County RCNs: 
    • Identify at least 2 Focus Classrooms per ISD and complete a CETA in each classroom, set priorities, and track progress.
      • Submit a CETA Reflection Tool for each classroom at the end of the year. 
    • Identify at least 1 Focus Student for each Focus Classroom.
      • Submit a Focus Student Data Form for each student at the beginning and end of the year.

Establishing Evidence-Based Practices in the Classroom

  • Assist classroom teams to complete the CETA and identify goals.
  • Use the Effective Team Process and Meeting Mechanics to establish regular meetings, use problem-solving to achieve identified goals, and develop action plans. 
  • Provide resources to classroom teams to address goal areas. 
  • Refer teams to relevant training aligned to goal areas (e.g., PBIS, differentiating output, paraprofessional support).
  • Model data collection and decision-making to measure progress and make adjustments (e.g., classroom engagement data).
  • Meet with the team for regular data review. 
  • Model giving feedback and receiving feedback as part of coaching for implementation. 
  • Use behavioral skills training (BST) to train classroom staff to implement strategies with fluency and fidelity.

Establishing Evidence-Based Practices for Direct Student Support

  • Assist classroom teams to match IEP goals with evidence-based practices and procedures. 
  • Provide resources to student teams to address goals.
  • Refer teams to relevant training aligned to student needs (e.g., self-management, scripts).
  • Model data collection and decision making to measure progress and make adjustments (e.g., student engagement data, independence data, functional behavioral assessment).
  • Use the discovery process for transition-age students.
  • Meet with the team for regular data review. 
  • Model giving feedback and receiving feedback as part of coaching for implementation of student plans. 
  • Use behavioral skills training (BST) to train classroom staff to implement specific plans for students with fluency and fidelity

Priority 4: Peer to Peer Support

Core Activities

Peer to Peer Support programs are developed, expanded, and enhanced to support student access to peer programs and fidelity tools and data are used to monitor program growth and quality. 

  1. Develop and implement a plan to expand the number of students accessing high-quality peer to peer support opportunities.
  2. Identify activities to enhance the quality and scope of Peer to Peer programming.
  3. Establish a community of school staff dedicated to further improving peer to peer support programming, developing resources for peer to peer, and disseminating information and resources in their region.
  4. Each ISD gathers information about the peer to peer programs in their districts and enters the data in the Peer to Peer Program Data Collection System. 
  5. Support programs to complete a fidelity checklist each year and indicate completion in the Peer to Peer Program Data Collection System.

Steps to Develop and Expand Programs to Increase Opportunities for Students

  • Work with building teams and administrators to establish new Peer to Peer programs
  • Work with program leaders to support additional students with ASD
  • Work with program leaders to expand existing programs to support additional students with ASD
  •  Recruit a diverse group of peers to participate in Peer to Peer programs, including at-risk students, preschool-age children, and alternative education students
  • Develop accredited programs (grades 6-12)
  • Develop formalized programs at the elementary building level
  • Utilize Empower One, Empower All resources for the development of Peer to Peer support at the classroom level
  • Review Peer to Peer program data to identify buildings for further development
  • Collect Focus Student data from students with ASD who are receiving Peer to Peer support
  • Offer county level Peer to Peer training
  • Provide training and information about Peer to Peer for administrators
  • Complete Fidelity Checklists for new and existing Peer to Peer programs
  • Establish and fund a Peer to Peer coordinator for the ISD

Practices to Enhance Peer to Peer Programs

  • Conduct roundtables or Communities of Practice at the ISD or district level
  • Set up a Community Conversation
  • Plan and organize a Peer to Peer summit
  • Establish a LINKS Leadership Committee
  • Support Peer to Peer during extracurricular activities
  • Establish a partnership between the Peer to Peer program and Unified Champion Schools
  • Collect survey data from all stakeholders
  • Promote your Peer to Peer program in the local media to raise awareness
  • Develop a Peer to Peer website
  • Create and implement a fundraising plan (e.g., connect with local businesses, grants, school fundraisers)
  • Train teachers to utilize LINKS Boxes and the Padlet
  • Develop specific plans to involve families in Peer to Peer programs
  • Involve students in training others, such as the OAR Youth Education Leader program

Page last modified July 23, 2024