Individual Student Data Collection Forms

Purpose of student data collection tools

  1. To provide an efficient data collection system that gives educators a method for evaluating student performance at the individual level by providing: immediate feedback, embedded graphing, and embedded analysis.
  2. To evaluate the impact of START’s training and resources at the student level on three specific target behaviors: Independence, Engagement, and Social Interaction.

Why these 3 behaviors?

These three target behaviors have been shown in the research to have a significant impact on the quality of life for students with ASD.

  • Independence data provides an opportunity to improve performance in routines at school, at home, and in the community
  • Engagement data provides an opportunity to improve participation in general education classroom activities and/or increase opportunities to spend more time in general education classrooms and with the general education curriculum
  • Social data (initiations and responding) provides an opportunity to develop friendships within and outside of the classroom which has also shown to impact academic performance and aid in classroom management.


START Individual Data System Overview

Independence Data

Independence data is collected through task analyzing a routine and observing the level of independence completing that routine then developing a plan to improve independence. Given the importance of independence as a goal and using the independence data collection tool to measure progress, we have developed video examples of this process. These examples show how independence is promoted from early childhood up to older students.

Independence Routines and Data Form (00:15:18)

K-12 Independence Examples:

Toileting (9:48)

Morning Routine (19:10)

Early Childhood Independence Examples:

Putting on Shoes (5:07)

Early Childhood Independence Example: Transitions from Preferred to Non-Preferred (13:52)

Student Engagement Data:

Engagement Data Videos:

Individual Student Engagement Data (23:10)

Classroom Engagement Data (12:39)

Social Interaction

Page last modified July 14, 2024