Faculty/Staff Directory

First Name

Last Name



  • Visiting Professor


Office Address
3309 KHS

Office Phone
(616) 331-9317

Areas of Expertise
Animal Behavior, Evolution, Ornithology

Professional Societies

American Ornithological Society, Wilson Ornithological Society, Animal Behavior Society, Society for the Study of Evolution, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

Courses Taught at GVSU

BIO 121 - General Biology II
BIO 215 - Ecology

Research Interests

Animal communication, bird vocal behavior, sexual selection, conservation


BS University of California Riverside 2014 (Magna Cum Laude)
MS University of California Riverside 2016
Ph.D. Illinois State University 2021

Select Publications

O’Leathlobhair, J.L., Goldberg, D.L., and Jadin, R.C. In press. Fledgling on board: a review of over-water offspring ferrying behaviour in waterbirds and its potential ecological correlates. The Journal of Natural History #2388327.

Goldberg, D.L., Sadd, B.M., and Capparella, A.P. 2023. A rallid ballad: communal signaling is correlated with year-round territoriality in the most duet-rich family of birds (Gruiformes: Rallidae). Ornithology 140:1–11. (Editor’s Choice January 2023)

Goldberg, D.L., Tauber, A.M., Ward, M.P., and Capparella, A.P. 2022. Soras over Illinois: nocturnal settlement patterns in Porzana carolina are site-specific but show no evidence of visual or acoustic cues. Waterbirds 45:82–90.

Goldberg, D.L., Bassingthwaite, T.A., Ward, M.P., and Capparella, A.P. 2020. Calling owl: Rails adjust vocal activity rates in response to changes in predation risk. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132:1038–1043.

Goldberg, D.L., Landy, J.A., Travis, J., Springer, M.S., and Reznick, D.N. 2019. In love and war: the morphometric and phylogenetic basis of ornamentation in the livebearer genus Poecilia. Evolution 73:360–377.

Recent Presentations

O’Leathlobhair, J.L., Goldberg, D.L., and Jadin, R.C. 2024. Fledgling on board: over-water offspring ferrying behavior in waterfowl, grebes, and loons. In Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2024 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Goldberg, D.L., Tauber, A.M., Ward, M.P., and Capparella, A.P. 2021. Soras over Illinois: nocturnal settlement patterns in Porzana carolina are site-specific but show no evidence of visual or acoustic cues. In American Ornithological Society 139th Annual Meeting.

Goldberg, D.L., Schultz, E.T., Langerhans, R.B., and Reznick, D.N. 2021. Comparative analysis of association between scaling of copulatory organs and mating behavior in livebearing fishes. In Virtual Evolution 2021 Joint Conference and the Society for the Study of Evolution 75th Annual Meeting.

Goldberg, D.L., Sadd, B.M., and Capparella, A.P. 2021. A rallid ballad: correlates of communal signaling in the rails (Rallidae), a model system for studies of avian duets. In Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2021 Annual Meeting.

Goldberg, D.L., Sadd, B.M., and Capparella, A.P. 2020. Call structure correlations across rails (Rallidae): a family-wide test of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis. In Virtual Behavior 2020 and the Animal Behavior Society 57th Annual Meeting.

Goldberg, D.L., Bassingthwaite, T.A., Beilke, S., Ward, M.P., and Capparella, A.P. 2020. Calling owl: rails do not reduce vocal activity rates in response to predation risk. In Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2020 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.

Goldberg, D.L., Landy, J.A., Travis, J., Springer, M.S., and Reznick, D.N. 2016. The morphometric and phylogenetic basis of ornamentation in the livebearer genus Poecilia. In Evolution 2016 Joint Conference and the Society for the Study of Evolution 70th Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.


Page last modified May 1, 2020