Faculty/Staff Directory

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  • Associate Professor


Office Address
2200P Kindschi Hall of Science

Office Phone

Areas of Expertise
Molecular Ecology, Conservation Biology, Herpetology

Courses Taught at GVSU

NRM 320 Introduction to Natural Resources
BIO/NRM 480 Herpetology
BIO/NRM 470 Conservation Biology

Research Interests

Landscape genetics
Behavioral ecology and mating systems
Spatial and landscape ecology
Conservation Biology
Conservation and population genetics


Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, 2010-2012
Postdoctoral research fellow, Biology Department, University of Alaska Southeast, 2009-2010
Ph.D. Ecology and Biodiversity, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 2008
M.S. Biology, Central Michigan University, 2004
B.S. Zoology, Northern Michigan University, 2001

Select Publications

Laarman, P., P. Keenlance, J. Altobelli, C. Schumacher, P. Huber, J. Jacquot, and J. Moore. Accepted by Journal of Wildlife Management. Spatial Ecology of Neonate Eastern Box Turtles with Implications for Prescribed Burning.

Moore, J.A., J. Rowe, D. Wessels, M.T. Plivelich, C.A. Valle. 2017. Microlophus bivitattus (San Cristóbal Lava Lizard). Diet. Herpetological Review 48(4): 851.

Hileman, E. T., Allender, M. C., Bradke, D. R., Faust, L., Moore, J. A., Ravesi, M., S.J. Tetzlaff. 2017. Estimation of Ophidiomyces prevalence to evaluate snake fungal disease risk. Journal of Wildlife Management 82: 173-181.

Hillman, T.L., P. Keenlance, J.A. Moore, B. Swanson, J. Jacquot, J. C. Witt, A. Cornman. 2017. Implications of reintroduction history on genetic diversity of American marten in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. Journal of Mammalogy 98(5):1489–1496.

Delgado, M.L., P. Singh, J. Funk, J.A. Moore, E. Cannell, J. Kanefsky, S.D. Manning, K.T. Scribner. 2017. Intestinal microbial community dynamics of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in an agroecosystem. Microbial Ecology 2017:1-11.

Hileman, E. T., R. B. King, J. M. Adamski, T. G. Anton, R. L. Bailey, S. J. Baker, N. D. Bieser, T. A. Bell Jr, K. M. Bissell, D. R. Bradke, H. Campa III, G. S. Casper, K. Cedar, M. D. Cross, B. A. DeGregorio, M. J. Dreslik, L. J. Faust, D. S. Harvey, R. W. Hay, B. C. Jellen, B. D. Johnson, G. Johnson, B. D. Kiel, B. A. Kingsbury, M. J. Kowalski, Y. M. Lee, A. M. Lentini, J. C. Marshall, D. Mauger, J. A. Moore, R. A. Paloski, C. A. Phillips, P. D. Pratt, T. Preney, K. A. Prior, A. Promaine, M. Redmer, H. K. Reinert, J. D. Rouse, K. T. Shoemaker, S. Sutton, T. J. VanDeWalle, P. J. Weatherhead, D. Wynn and A. Yagi. 2017. Climatic and geographic predictors of life history variation in Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus): A range-wide synthesis. PloS One 12(2): e0172011.

Bartman, J., N. Kudla, D. Bradke, S. Otieno, and J.A. Moore. 2016. Work smarter, not harder: Comparison of visual and trap survey methods for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11:451-458.

Draheim, H.M., J.A. Moore, D. Etter, S.R. Winterstein, and K.T. Scribner. 2016. Detecting black bear source-sink dynamics using individual-based genetic graphs. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 283: 20161002.

Allender, M.C., E. Hileman, J.A. Moore, and S. Tetzlaff. 2016. Detection of Ophidiomyces, the causative agent of snake fungal disease, in the eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) in Michigan. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52(3):694-698.

Moore, J.A., R. Xu, K. Frank, H. Draheim, and K.T. Scribner. 2015. Social network analysis of mating patterns in American black bears (Ursus americanus). Molecular Ecology 24(15): 4010-4022.

Sha, Q., P. Singh, D. Lacher, J. del Valle, L. Ouellette, J.A. Moore, K. Scribner, and S.D. Manning. 2015. Characterization of enteropathogenic and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in cattle and deer sharing a pasture. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 5(29). doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2015.00029.

Locher, A., K. Scribner, J.A. Moore, B. Murphy, and J. Kanefsky. 2015. Influence of landscape features on spatial genetic structure of white-tailed deer in human-altered landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(2):180–194.


Page last modified May 1, 2020