Research & Publications


Research in the Biomechanics and Motor Performance Laboratory focuses in several areas:

  • Sports biomechanics
  • Lower extremity mechanics during locomotion, jumping and dance
  • Standing balance in persons with Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis
  • Dynamic balance during locomotion
  • Hip joint center modeling
  • Pediatric sitting and power mobility


A collaborative research model is used with students teaming with faculty mentor projects.  Funding is provided primarily internally. Collaboration and use of lab involves several units: Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, Occupational Therapy, Movement Science and Engineering (Mechanical, Biomedical, PDM, Electrical, Computer). 

Journal Publications

The following are select publications by faculty and students in the Biomechanics and Motor Performance Laboratory:

  • Lee, Y, Lama, B, Joo, SH, & Kwon, J. (2024). Enhancing Human Key Point Identification: A Comparative Study of the High-Resolution VICON Dataset and COCO Dataset Using BPNET. Applied Sciences, 14(11),
  • Lee, Y, Badr, R, Bove, B, Jewett, P, & Goehring, M. (2021). Effects of assistive devices on postural control following a balance disturbance along the anterior-posterior direction. Gait & Posture, 90, 239–244.
  • Alderink G, Carollo, J.  (2020) Enhancing the Quality of Clinical Movement Analysis through Instrumented Gait and Motion Analysis - Best Practices and Laboratory Accreditation, Gait Posture, 82: 52-53,
  • B.M. Ashby, “Theoretical Justification for Distal Foot Power Equation,” Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 109, 109964, 2020.
  • Büttner, F, Howell, DR, et al., Parker, TM, Delahunt, E. (2020). Concussed athletes walk slower than non-concussed athletes during cognitive-motor dual-task assessments but not during single-task assessments 2 months after sports concussion: a systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data. British Journal of Sports Medicine,54(2), 94-101.
  • Kenyon LK, Aldrich NJ, Farris JP, Walenta K, Chesser B. Exploring the effects of power mobility training on parents of exploratory power mobility learners: a multiple baseline single subject research design. Physiother Can. In press. Available in advance on-line at:
  • Kenyon LK, Schmitt J, Otieno S, Cohen L. Providing paediatric power wheelchairs in the USA then and now: a survey of providers. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2020:15(6):708-717.
  • Kenyon LK, Jones M, Breaux B, Tsotsoros J, Gardner T, Livingstone R. American and Canadian therapists’ perspectives of age and cognitive skills for paediatric power mobility: a qualitative study. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2020;15(6):692-700.
  • Kenyon LK, Farris JP, Aldrich NJ, Usoro J, Rhodes S. Changes in EEG Activity in Response to Power Mobility Training: A Pilot Project. Physiother Can. 2020;72(3):260-270.
  • Kenyon LK, Chapman A, Williams B, Miller WC. Use of single-subject research designs in seating and wheeled mobility research: a scoping review. Disabil Rehabil: Assist Technol. 2020;15(3):243-255.
  • Goehring M, Cekander K, Clark J, Subject L. (2019): The Effects of Footwear on Postural Sway in Community Dwelling Older Adults. Annals of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. 2019; 2(3).To link to this article:
  • Huegel M, Otieno S, Kenyon LK. Validity of the WST and the WST-Q in children with spina bifida: a pilot project. Assist Technol. 2019;14(7):744-750.
  • B.M. Ashby, A.A. Sohel, and G.J. Alderink, “Effect of Arm Motion on Standing Lateral Jumps,” Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 96, 109339, 2019.
  • Harro CC, Garascia C. Reliability and Validity of Computerized Force Platform Measures of Balance Function in Healthy Older Adults. J Geriatr Phys Ther 2019;42(3):E57-E66.
  • Kenyon LK, Jones M, Livingstone R, Breaux B, Tsotsoros J, Williams K. Power mobility for children: a survey study of American and Canadian therapists’ perspectives and practices. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2018;60(10):1018-1025.
  • Kenyon LK, Mortenson WB, Miller WC. “There is power in mobility”: parent and therapist perspectives of the experiences of children learning to use power mobility. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2018;60(10):1012-1017.
  • Goehring M, Bringer N, Broders J, Young E. (2018):The Effects of Footwear on Postural Sway: A Pilot Study. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics. DOI: 10.1080/02703181.2018.1476432, August 2018.
  • Kenyon LK, Hostnik L, McElroy R, Peterson C, Farris JP. Power Mobility Training Methods for Children: A Systematic Review. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2018;30(1):2–8.
  • Kenyon LK, Farris JP, Cain B, King E, VandenBerg A. Development and content validation of the Power Mobility Training Tool. Disabil Rehabil: Assist Technol. 2018;13(1):10-24.
  • Gulgin, H., Hall, K., Luzadre, A., Kayfish, E.  (2018).  3D Gait Analysis with and without an Orthopedic Walking Boot.  Gait & Posture, 59:76-82.
  • Goehring M, Bringer N, Broders J, Young E. (2018):The Effects of Footwear on Postural Sway: A Pilot Study. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics.
  • Beaudoin, CB, Parker, TM, Tiemersma, K, Lewis, C. (2018). Evaluating university physical activity courses from student and instructor perspectives. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89(1), 7-11.
  • Kelch, A., Gulgin, H. (2017). Functional Movement Screen Score by Somatotype Category.  Clinical Kinesiology, 71(1):1-8.
  • Visser A, Westman M, Otieno S, Kenyon LK. A home-based body weight supported treadmill program for children with cerebral palsy: a pilot study. Pediatr Phys Ther.  2017;29(3):223–229.
  • Fisher-Pipher S, Kenyon LK, Westman M.  Improving balance, mobility, and dual-task performance in an adolescent with cerebral palsy: a case report. Physiotherapy Theory Pract. 2017;33(7):586-595.
  • Kenyon LK, Westman M, Hefferan A, McCray P, Baker BJ.  A home-based body weight supported treadmill training program for children with cerebral palsy:  a case series.  Physiotherapy Theory Pract. 2017;33(7):576-585.
  • Beasley J, Kenyon LK, Midena A, Chartier J, Meyers K, Ashby B, Anderson K. Cane handle designs - pressure and preference: a pilot study. J Acute Care Phys Ther. 2017;8(2):58-64.
  • Parker, TM, Lewis, CA, Beaudoin, CB. (2017). The influence of exercise empowerment on life stress. International Journal of Kinesiology and Sport Science, 5(4), 33-37.
  • Harro CC, Piper N, Marquis A, Burdis C. Reliability and Validity of Force Platform Measures of Balance Impairment in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease. Phys Ther. 2016;96: 1955-1964.
  • Gulgin H, Hoogenboom B. The Functional Movement Screening (FMS) ™: An Inter-rater reliability study between raters of varied experience. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 9(1):14-20, 2014.
  • Kenyon LK, Farris JF, Gallagher C, Webster L, Hammond L, Aldrich A.  Power mobility training for young children with multiple, severe impairments:  a case series.  Phys Occup Ther Pediatr.
  • Gulgin H, Hall K, Luzadre A, Kayfish E. 3D gait analysis with and without an orthopedic walking boot. Gait Posture. 2018;59:76-82. 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.09.024
  • Hickox, LJ, Ashby, BM, Alderink, GJ. Exploration of the Two-Dimensional Plane Assumption in Modeling the Standing Long Jump. J Biomechanics, 49(7) (2016):1085-1093.
  • Kontos, AP, Covassin, T, Elbin, RJ, Parker, TM. (2012). Depression and neurocognitive performance after concussion among male and female high school and collegiate athletes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(10): 1751-1756.
  • Goehring M, Kenyon, L. (2011). Axillary or Forearm Crutches; Comparing Postural Sway in Single Limb Stance and Perceptions of Safety. Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, 2(2), 72-76.

Conference Proceedings

The following are select publications by faculty and students in the Biomechanics and Motor Performance Laboratory:

  • Beasley, J, Wisby, G, Reffeor, W, and Lee, Y, “Median nerve pressure with different gloves in cycling: A comparative study”, Poster Presentation, The American Society of Hand Therapists (ASHT) 47th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, USA. September 2024.
  • Grant, CR, Blake, MJ, Hill, HM, Russo, SS, Lee, Y, “Individual Variability in Pain and Quality of Life Following Scoliosis Correction”, Podium Presentation, The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) 2024 Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, USA. August 2024.
  • Das, PR, Russo, SS, Lee, Y, “Functional Limitations in Scoliosis: A Gait and Over Head Deep Squat Analysis of Lower Extremity Dynamics”, Poster Presentation, The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) 2024 Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, USA. August 2024.
  • Harmon, LE, Flores, AN, Walstra AR, Petrenko, A, Lee, Y, “Individual Variability in Pain and Quality of Life Following Scoliosis Correction”, Poster Presentation, The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) 2024 Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, USA. August 2024.
  • Petrenko A, Lee, Y, “A Pilot Study Comparing Muscle Activation and Kinematics Between Professional and Non-Professional Tennis Players”, Poster Presentation, The 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS/EMBC), Orlando, FL, USA. July 15-19.
  • Das, PR, Russo, SS, Lee, Y, “Scoliosis Surgery: Surprising Impact on Squatting, Minimal Effect on Walking”, Poster Presentation, The 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS/EMBC), Orlando, FL, USA. July 15-19.
  • Lama, B, Kwon, J, Joo, SH, Lee, Y, "Validation of BPNET For Human Motion Dataset Preparation for Gait Feature Extraction", Poster Presentation, The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) 2023 Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, USA. August 2023.
  • Lee, Y, Bird, K, Esch, C, Goehring, MT, “Comparing Standard Axillary Crutches with Mobilegs® Crutches in Healthy Adults", Poster Presentation, The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) 2023 Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, USA. August 2023.
  • Klump A, Moorthy, A, Pfau, R, Lee, Y, "Dynamic Postural Control with Cognitive Task Test in Female Athletes and Non-Athletes", Poster Presentation, The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) 2023 Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, USA. August 2023.
  • Das, P, Joo, SH, Lee, Y, “Concurrent Validity Study of 3D Motion Measurement Systems: Vicon Vs. Xsens”, Poster Presentation, The North American Congress on Biomechanics (NACOB), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. August 21 – 25, 2022
  • Lee, Y, Mullins, K, Bancroft, E, Hatzel, B, “The Efficacy of Prophylactic Bracing on Shoulder Joint Position Sense”, Poster Presentation, The North American Congress on Biomechanics (NACOB), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. August 21 – 25, 2022
  • Das, P, Massingill, B, Hoogstra, W, Jesser, E, Lee, Y, "Quantifying Concurrent Validity of Gait Kinematics Provided by Xsens MVN IMU System", Podium Presentation. Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS), June 7-8, 2022
  • Alderink, GJ, Henige, M, Scieszka, J, Wesley, N, Zeitler, D, Lee, Y, and Parker, T, "COP Measures of Postural Sway During Tandem Stance Under Eyes Open- and Closed-Conditions: A Pilot Study Comparing Non-Contact Sport Athletes and Football Players", Poster Presentation, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS), June 7-8, 2022
  • Lee, Y, Romph, E, Dietz, M, Van Dyke, H, Figurski, K, Sander, TC, "The Feasibility of Internet- based Tai Chi Easy Program on Gait-related Parameters, Quality of Life, and Fatigue in People with Multiple Sclerosis" Poster Presentation 11th International Symposium on Gait and Balance in Multiple Sclerosis, Colorado State University, Virtual. September 2021.
  • Alderink, GJ, McCrumb, D, Lee, Y, Rhodes, SS, "Analysis of EMG-EMG Connectivity in Muscular Activation of Lower Leg Muscles in Quiet Tandem Standing Postures" Poster Presentation, The 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB), August 2021
  • Lee, Y, “Two worlds meet: How a Biomechanical Engineer collaborates with Physical Therapists – from Falls to Robotic Rehabilitation.” Lecture Talk, Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy, September 2020.
  • Alderink, GJ, Lee, Y, etc., "Comparison of Hara and Harrington Hip Joint Center Location and Influence on Hip Moments during Gait." Poster Presentation, The 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB), August 2020.
  • Lee, Y, Goehring, MT, etc.,"Effects of assistive devices on postural sway during a simulated forward fall” Poster Presentation. The 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB), August 2020.
  • Alderink, GJ, Lee, Y., etc., "Margin of Stability during Tandem Stance with Dominant Limb Placed Back or Forward: A Pilot Study.” Poster Presentation, The 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB), August 2020.
  • Parker, TM, Lee, Y, Alderink, GJ, “Longitudinal changes in tandem gait in healthy football players during single and dual task”. Poster Presentation, National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Clinical Symposia and AT Expo in Atlanta, GA, July 2020
  • Alderink GJ, Lee Y, Parker TM, Zeitler, D, Bean K, Ostlund B and Zimmerman C. “Measures of Dynamic Balance During Ambulation Under Single- And Dual-Task Conditions in Football Players: A Pilot Study”. Podium Presentation, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS), June 2020
  • Lee, Y, Goehring, MT, etc., "Effects of assistive devices on postural sway during a simulated forward fall." Poster Presentation, Midwest Society of Biomechanics Meeting, American Society of Biomechanics, Cleveland, Ohio. April 2020.
  • Lee Y. Kwon JR, 3D Modeling of Human Motion from 2D Video Images by AI. Contributed Talk, Big Data Ignite (BDI), Grand Rapids, MI, November 4-6, 2019.
  • Goehring, M, Pressley J, Schichtel R, Weston A. (2018). Comparing the University Mobility Coach system Harness and the NeuroCom® Smart Balance Master Harness Regarding Effects on Limits of Stability and Subject Comfort. Michigan Physical Therapy Association Fall Conference, October 5-6, Traverse City, MI.
  • Schoen S, Alderink G. 3D Ankle and Foot Kinematics Utilizing Leardini and Oxford Multi-Segment Foot Models Differ in Active Healthy Elders. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, August 8-11, 2018, Rochester, MN.
  • Alderink GJ, Chapin K, Harro C, Rodriguez A, Spruit E, Woodward H. Dynamic Balance During Self-Selected and Fast-Paced Walking in Individuals With and Without Parkinson’s Disease: An Analysis of Margin of Stability and Mediolateral Sway, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Meeting, May 22-25, 2018, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Alderink GJ, Hickox L, Hoogenboom B, Lenz A, Spitzley T, Barger W, Gailey R. Comparison of Four Methods to Estimate Hip Joint Center in the Context of Gait Analysis, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Meeting, May 22-25, 2018, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Blust, M, Alderink, GJ, A Comparative Analysis of the Center of Mass and Center of Pressure Relationship in a Pirouette Performed by an Amateur and Professional Dancer, 2017 Annual Midwest Regional Meeting, American Society of Biomechanics, Grand Rapids, MI, February 23-24, 2017.
  • Alderink, G, Hoogenboom, B, Lenz, A, Keniston, N, Krikke, A, Wiersma, B, Prediction of Hip Joint Center Location using Davis and Seidel Methods: Effect on Hip Moments During Gait of Normal Healthy Adults, 21st Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Meeting, May 17-20, 2016, Poster abstract.
  • Banitt, L, Alderink, GJ, Comparison of Lower Extremity Kinematics and Kinetics and Center of Mass-Center of Pressure Relationship between a Classical Ballet and Jazz Pirouette: A Case Report, 21st Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society Annual Meeting, May 17-20, 2016.
  • B.M. Ashby and W.S. Reffeor, “Using Stress Shielding in Hip Implants as a Case Study to Teach Loading of Composite Beams,” 123rd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016.


Page last modified September 20, 2024