Application for Use of Biohazardous Materials
Who Must Apply
Research and coursework using any of the following biological materials must submit an application to the IBC:
- Infectious agents or potentially biologically hazardous materials (RG1 or unknown).
- Biological agents listed by the National Institutes of Health in Risk Group 2 or 3.
- Human and nonhuman primate tissue and blood.
- Recombinant DNA
- Select agents and toxins identified by the Centers for Disease Control
Applying For Use
All research and coursework at GVSU using biohazardous materials are subject to review and approval by the Biosafety Committee. Principal Investigators, Lab or Clinic Supervisors, Department Chairs, or any others wishing to use covered biological agents must first notify the Biosafety Officer well in advance of the proposed use.
PI’s or faculty wishing to work with biological agents must do the following:
Read, be familiar with, and follow the procedures outlined in the Biosafety Manual.
Submit a “GVSU Biosafety Application" to the Biosafety Officer before the biological agents are ordered.
Submit with the application a current curriculum vitae. The curriculum vitae should include practical experience in working with biological materials.
For those applicants using only the first category of infectious agents above (Risk Group 1) where standard biological safety precautions are sufficient, the Biosafety Officer may approve upon receipt. Other categories will require review and approval by the Biosafety Committee.
The Committee will approve proposals only if it determines the user is competent in performing the proposed experiments. If, after reviewing the proposal and supporting information, The Committee members have questions about the safety of the proposed use, they may require a personal interview with the user or the Principal Investigator for specific details of the experiment and/or ask that the user first make trial runs of the experiment using nonhazardous materials. A proposal is initially approved for a period not to exceed one year, at which time a request for an extension may be submitted for review by The Committee. Subsequent approvals may be granted for a longer period, but never to exceed 3 years. Approvals will be documented as part of the minutes of the meeting, unless certain conditions or modifications were made as part of the approval, in which case written notification will be provided.