Change Your Career
Career changes can be sudden or a gradual process of self-discovery. Explore the many resources available depending on where you are in the career change process.
- Make sure your resume is up to date.
- Need help with your resume? Check out the Resume and Cover Letter Guide for resume assistance and attend CareerLab (in person and virtual times available).
- Assess where you need to gain more experience.
- Look at job postings to see if you are lacking in experiences necessary for positions you would like to pursue.
- Explore ways you can gain more experience. Visit our career communities website to explore different industry areas.
- Continue to network.
- Assess what skills and experiences you need to obtain by doing career research utilizing online career resources.
- Talk with professionals in the industry and gain their suggestions.
- Find an entry level position or internship in your field of interest. Look for jobs on Handshake.
- Volunteer in your industry.
- Network with professionals in your field.
- Attend events in your industry.
- Talk with professionals in your industry.
- Create a LinkedIn profile.
- Follow industry professionals/organizations on social media.
- Join a career community to receive regular communication about upcoming industry related events and opportunities.
- Alumni 0-2 years post-grad, talk with a career advisor if you need help identifying next steps.
- Alumni 2+ years post-grad, consider working with a career coach to set goals and make a plan.
Consider all of the experiences you gained in college and post-grad. Think about your jobs, volunteer experiences, job shadowing, coursework, extracurricular activities, etc. Identify your transferable skills from these experiences. Not sure if you have any transferable skills? Consult with a career advisor (Alums 0-2 years post-grad) or a career coach (Alums 2+ years post-grad) to assess your experiences and how they relate to your new career plans.
Helpful books/articles to read as you make your way through a career change:
- Designing Your Life
- What Color Is Your Parachute?
- The New Rules of Work
- Skills for Career Success
- 9 Steps To Change Your Career Path at Any Age
- The Right Way to Make a Big Career Transition
- How To Change Careers
- Use This Hierarchy of Needs Approach
Create an Odyssey Plan (Google doc worksheet) or Action Plan to help map out your future plans.
Write SMART Goals (Google doc worksheet) pertaining to your career decision process
Figure out what you bring to the table by completing the skills triangle exercise. A skills triangle helps you to identify what you do, who you are, and what you know (see pages 8, 9 & 10 here to learn more).