alumni career resources

Welcome back, Lakers! The Career Center is here to support you at all stages of your career: exploring options, creating a job search plan, preparing job search materials, practicing for interviews, or networking with employers and fellow alumni. We want to help you strategize, discover, and engage!

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alum at career fair

Alumni Spotlights

Lerenza Howard '07 Spotlight

Lerenza Howard '07

My favorite memory was being a member of the Voices of GVSU. I met some amazing individuals while participating in the choir including our choir director Mama CC. I thoroughly miss our practice sessions and performing together at various events.

Mike Michalski '18 Spotlight

Mike Michalski '18

I was working late in Kindschi Hall on pouring an agarose gel for electrophoresis but I had mistakenly poured the gel too thick. I remember just laughing with my classmates because I'd review the progress hour after hour and nothing would change.

Kay Augustyniak-Miller '85 Spotlight

Kay Augustyniak-Miller '85

It's been incredible to see the campus' growth over the past 36 years and remember back to what it used to be. My spouse and I met my senior year, and my son met his wife also at GVSU.

Megan Damico '18 Spotlight

Megan Damico '18

Spending Fall days at the Sustainable Agriculture Project taking care of the honey bee hives and harvesting vegetables.

Cheryl VerStrate '11 & '15 Spotlight

Cheryl VerStrate '11 & '15

There are way too many to mention. I spent 8 years of life at GVSU after I completed graduate school. I have met some incredible people and have very fond memories of going through some major life transitions together.

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Page last modified February 6, 2024