Alumni Spotlights


Grace Bommarito '12

My favorite memory from Grand Valley was meeting my best friend and navigating life together as young adults.

Brooke Grimaldi '18

I have so many great memories working in Dr. Khoo's lab! Those were the best times.

Anna Barry-Wolbers '17 & '18

One of my favorite memories is meeting Dr. Hart and talking about cancer biology research. That conversation has kept me motivated throughout the years and will continue to help me persevere and have confidence in my abilities.

Madison Spratt '19

Late night Orgo study sessions, making friends who I'm still close with today in lab, taking courses that pushed me out of my STEM comfort zone, and the feeling of community that came from being part of a small major.

Madison Schmidtmann '18

One of my favorite memories is choreographing an intro-level hip-hop dance for the GVSU Dance Troupe with my roommate/best friend. We had a lot of fun working out the choreography together, tie-dying the group's costumes, and getting to dance!

Mike Michalski '18

I was working late in Kindschi Hall on pouring an agarose gel for electrophoresis but I had mistakenly poured the gel too thick. I remember just laughing with my classmates because I'd review the progress hour after hour and nothing would change.

Kali Smolen '17

My favorite memories at Grand Valley were made at the Sustainable Agriculture Project (SAP). That is where I met my best friends, learned how to cook, became passionate about sustainability, and learned to keep bees.

Kara Rickenberg '19

I was lucky enough to have my Honors freshman sequence downtown. I enjoyed exploring and learning about the city of Grand Rapids.

Thomas Rogers '12

My favorite memory was meeting my future wife in the basement of Mackinaw Hall while in Genetics class.

Olivia Brown '18

Being an RA on campus was such a fun time. Never a dull moment and SO many stories are still talked about. My best friends came out of that experience and we are still close now!

Page last modified June 8, 2024