Kathleen Bell '81 & '99
It was the mid to late 70s and I'm sure like many, it was a great time to be a grand valley. The best was being in the first marching band ever and all the craziness that was and co-authoring the GVSC Fight Song.
The Education Community focuses on jobs within educational settings. Curious about being a teacher? Interested in education careers outside of a classroom? Have a passion for helping others? This is the right community for you. Possible jobs include teacher, school counselor, school social worker, librarian, special education teacher and more. You’ll receive helpful information around these interest areas in the form of event opportunities, jobs, internships, career fairs, and professional development resources.
Many students are interested in pursuing areas within education at GVSU, but aren’t sure how to get started. Before you map out your degree path, check out the steps to become a teacher as well as other common career paths connected to the field of education. Learn more as you explore tools and resources below.
Getting involved and gaining experience is a great way to explore your interests, “test out” ideas, and learn more about the world of work. There is such a wide variety of opportunities it can be hard to choose. The important thing is to get started and try something!
Many jobs within the field of education require you to go beyond a bachelor's degree to attain certifications, licensure, graduate degrees and continuing education courses. Additionally, roles such as teaching, provide summer breaks that can be used for rest, pursuit of a hobby or another career interest.
Many students are interested in pursuing areas within education at GVSU, but aren’t sure how to get started. Before you map out your degree path, check out the steps to become a teacher as well as other common career paths connected to the field of education. Learn more as you explore tools and resources below.
Areas of interest might include…. Birth to Kindergarten, Elementary Education, Secondary Education & Special Education, Educational Leadership, Social Work, Guidance Counselors, Paraprofessional, SLP/OT/PT
Areas of interest might include…. Faculty, Student Affairs, University Operations (Communications, Facilities, Development)
This area might include….. Nonprofits, ABA, Camps, Learning and Development Training, Government, Educational Policy, Childcare Centers, Human Resources, Educational Technology
Check out department websites for course offerings and curriculum guides, additional career resources, relevant events, and more!
Minors and certificates can be a great way to demonstrate to employers that you have training in a specific area or skill set.
Check out what alumni are doing in education related sectors to help inform your own career journey.
It was the mid to late 70s and I'm sure like many, it was a great time to be a grand valley. The best was being in the first marching band ever and all the craziness that was and co-authoring the GVSC Fight Song.
One of my favorite memories at GVSU was when Redman and Method Man came to campus for a concert. Once the lights went off, we found out that almost every member of the Wu-Tang Clan was there.
My favorite GVSU memory is singing at the football stadium with the Voices of GVSU. That was so much fun even though it was cold.
Find more Education alumni on LinkedIn!
Don't have a LinkedIn profile? Read these tips to learn more!
Getting involved and gaining experience is a great way to explore your interests, “test out” ideas, and learn more about the world of work. There is such a wide variety of opportunities it can be hard to choose. The important thing is to get started and try something!
On-campus student organizations with a professional goal are an excellent way to explore your future career and get involved in your field. For more information on the organizations below use the GVSU LakerLink.
College Personnel Association (ACPA)
for Career & Technical Education (ACTE)
for Experiential Education (AEE)
for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Art Education Association (NAEA)
Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
Education Association (NEA)
February 18, 2025 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
The GVSU 2025 Summer Job Fair is an excellent place for your summer job or internship search and to start networking with organizations looking to connect with Grand Valley students and alumni of all...
February 20, 2025 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The Winter Career & Internship Fair is an excellent place to kick off your job or internship search, or to begin networking with organizations looking to hire Grand Valley students and alumni...
March 23, 2025 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
All Grand Valley students and alumni are invited to attend a GVSU/JCPenney Suit-Up Event! This event will include options to participate virtually or in-person. In-person: Come to JCPenney at RiverTown...
April 22, 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Meet with district representatives to discuss opportunities for teachers, psychologists/school counselors, speech pathologists, therapists, social workers, coaches, and more! Bring resumes and dress...
Elementary Teacher Kindergarten- Ashbury Elementary
for job 9683189
Papillion La Vista Community Schools
Expires: 2/20/25
Special Education Teacher- Golden Hills Elementary
for job 9682912
Papillion La Vista Community Schools
Expires: 2/20/25
Graduate Assistant - One Razorback Pathway Program
for job 9682137
University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Expires: 2/19/25
Check out opportunities for testing out the world of work via paid and unpaid experiences with a low time commitment.
Many jobs within the field of education require you to go beyond a bachelor's degree to attain certifications, licensure, graduate degrees and continuing education courses. Additionally, roles such as teaching, provide summer breaks that can be used for rest, pursuit of a hobby or another career interest.
Summer can be a great way to develop teaching skills, discover alternative pathways, work on continuing education, or take a break before the upcoming academic year. Whether you are just starting out, a seasoned educator, or looking for something new, explore these resources to make the most of summer break!
Some common graduate pathways in Education may include:
After passing the MTTC exam and meeting the Teaching Certification Requirements , students are able to complete a variety of teaching certificates:
Students interested in graduate programs should explore the Education Graduate Program website and the various certificate options available:
For more information about certifications, the MTTC test, or questions about the process to become a teacher, check out the GVSU Education Programs Department.
Some students decide after graduation to enter the Education field but did not graduate with a teaching degree. Here are a few alternative pathways to certification:
Office Address: 200 Student Services
Phone: (616) 331-3311
Email: knapplis@gvsu.edu
Lisa is a Career Advisor who works with students, faculty, and employers in the communications, humanities, and liberal studies programs. She also works closely with our first and second year students as they begin exploring the world of work.