GVSU Career Center Student/Alumni No-show Policy

Please note that the GVSU Career Center has a No-show Policy for all employer events and interviews. By voluntarily signing up for an interview or employer event, you accept the terms of the No-show Policy. As a student/alumnus, you not only represent yourself but also Grand Valley State University. Employers invest substantial time and money in recruitment efforts. Students/alumni who "no show” for an event or interview waste valuable employer resources, rob other students of career opportunities, and leave the employer with a negative impression of the University.

You will be considered a no-show if you fail to report for a scheduled event/interview or if you cancel an appointment with less than 48 hours’ notice. Your first no-show requires a letter of apology to the employer with a copy to the Career Center. You will not be permitted to apply for jobs, schedule an on-campus interview, or register for career events through Handshake until the letter of apology is submitted. If you miss a second event/interview, you are immediately suspended from further use of Career Center services for one academic year. In the event of extenuating circumstances, you may appeal for an excused absence by personally contacting a career advisor.

Page last modified January 14, 2019