Education Career Community


Hannah Witte '20

While completing my English major, I felt like I was not a good enough critical thinker and writer compared to my peers, but when I took a class with professor Kurt Bullock, he made me recognize that I actually excel in these areas.

Nathan Axdorff '16

My graduate assistantship provided some very fond memories and experiences. I loved working for GVSU's Career Center, and I made so many lifelong friends in the CSAL program. GVSU was truly a special place that allowed me to excel in my graduate work.

Christine Roberts '12

My favorite GVSU memory is marching in the marching band and winning the division 2 championship.

Christina McElwee '05 & '08

One of my favorite memories from Grand Valley was being a part of the GVSU Dance Troupe. I had never taken any type of organized dance classes prior but soon fell in love with the art of dance. I still dance both recreationally and competitively today.

Emily Gorno '21

Some of my favorite memories at GVSU were within my integrated science classes. I made some lifelong friends, being crammed together in the same classes for two years, and we had many good times together in Padnos.

Diane Knight '79

My favorite GV memory was traveling with the football and basketball teams (as a cheerleader) to play in tournaments.

Allison Staley '12 & '17

I have so many memories! One of the top ones would be watching our football team win the game that sent them to nationals! The goal post got taken down by the fans rushing the field and we got to take a picture with it.

Kay Augustyniak-Miller '85

It's been incredible to see the campus' growth over the past 36 years and remember back to what it used to be. My spouse and I met my senior year, and my son met his wife also at GVSU.

Sarah Tibbe '16 & '19

I'm a bit of a nerd, so my favorite memories were always in the classrooms. Particularly in my capstone coursework where we would have great conversations and debate about big issues.

Kraig Lee Whitmyer '18

My favorite memory of GVSU is enjoying my first Laker bowl celebration with my Freshmen roommates after our �Come Sail Away� jam session with T-Haas at the Fieldhouse.

Page last modified July 1, 2024