Alumni Spotlights


Jennifer Jurgens '03

During my Freshman year, I played on the Varsity Volleyball Club and absolutely loved the practices and the people I met through our travels. I even went on to play competitive beach volleyball with some of them.

Megan Bonelli (Peterson) '13

My favorite memory is being a part of PRSSA and Grand PR. When ArtPrize was a client, I enjoyed media monitoring and staffing events.

Kelly Hildebrand '95

I have so many great memories of my time at GVSU, but probably the best one was meeting Adam Sandler.

Hanna Benedek '21

My favorite Grand Valley memory is when I first moved into Hoobler Living Center during my freshman year.

Ivan Ivanov '98 & '04

My spouse and I met at GVSU, so my favorite memories are of the two of us being together and having heart-to-heart talks while sipping coffee in Kirkhof Center.

Petar Elieff '19

My favorite memory at GVSU was and always will be playing hockey with my friends on the roller hockey club. I am proud to say that I am still very close with all my teammates, they made my 4 years at GV the best ever!

Natalia Vitale '09

During my junior and senior at GVSU, I partnered closely with Troy Farley and the Career Center to help center my aspirations and natural inclinations toward business and marketing.

Matea Caluk '09 & '11

I absolutely loved Kleiner late night. I lived in Kistler, and my friend group would spend hours in Kleiner studying, dancing, and joking around. This really shaped my sense of belonging at GVSU.

Melissa Pyle '18

My favorite Grand Valley memory was being in all of the organizations that I was a member of made my time at Grand Valley.

Samantha Allman '20

My favorite Grand Valley memory has got to be every moment in the College of Education. I became so close with my cohort because we took every class together, worked on math proofs, and collaborated on teaching strategies together.

Page last modified June 8, 2024