

Kara Rickenberg '19

I was lucky enough to have my Honors freshman sequence downtown. I enjoyed exploring and learning about the city of Grand Rapids.

Pamela Besteman '96

During a winter practice for the Rowing Team, our coach had us play soccer on the Ski Hill. We had so much fun running up and down the hill, chasing the ball, tackling each other, and laughing our heads off while trying to beat our teammates.

Elizabeth Buchanan '18

Talking walks every night in the spring of freshman year...once it started to warm up. A group of us (4-8 of us) would always go for long walks on campus. It was always so peaceful and quiet until we made it loud.

Rachel Salinas '10

My most foundational experience at GVSU was participating in multiple research projects with faculty and peers.

Eric Drewry '07

My favorite memory is probably a collection of memories that I have while working as a dispatcher at the Grand Valley Police Department. I have life-long friends that I met there, I've even officiated two weddings for friends I met at the dispatch desk.

Alexis Gerard '19

I loved being involved in dance troupe while in undergrad. Being able to choreograph and lead such a wonderful organization helped me build close friendships and is where I found my place at GV.

Katrina Begrow '18

My favorite memory was my final presentation for my Advertising Capstone. My group gave a FLAWLESS presentation to our clients. I never felt more on top of my game than at that moment. I was so proud of myself and my group.

Page last modified May 31, 2024