Jake Vanderheyden '19
Crissair, Inc./Financial Analyst
LinkedIn Profile
1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
After I graduated I started my career in corporate finance at
BISSELL where I was an intern during college. I also joined the board
of the West Michigan Jazz Society in 2019. I continued to play the
saxophone and foster growth in the local jazz scene in the area. I
moved to California in 2021 to get a fresh start and begin a new
adventure. Then I got the opportunity to advance my career in the Los
Angeles area at Teleflora. As of 2023, I started a new Finance
position in the Aerospace industry at Crissair in my new hometown of
Santa Clarita, CA. I have enjoyed my time here in the sunshine
alongside my wife and newly adopted dog, Buddy.
2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
My favorite Grand Valley memory was when I proposed to my wife,
Valerie, with the Laker Marching Band playing behind us. We met during
our freshman year in the LMB and have now been together for almost 9 years.
3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
We have two lives, and the second one begins when we realize we
only have one.
4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand
Valley experience.
Impactful, Insightful, and Inspiring
5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
I want to create a world where we all can pursue our passions and
creative endeavors with no restrictions.
July 2024
Interest Area(s)
Finance, Accounting, Management
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