Chemistry Alumni in Action

Mike Peruzzi '13

Mike Peruzzi '13

What is your current position and what do you find exciting about it?

I am currently a Staff Scientist with expertise in mass spectrometry and chromatography at Ashland. The most exciting aspect of my position is working on project teams to solve analytical challenges while taking a product from conceptualization to commercialization. I also enjoy the variety of the work - because we work with the specialty additives, personal care, and pharmaceutical markets, there is always something new to learn.

How did your GVSU CHM/BIC degree help prepare you for your work?

My GVSU chemistry degree laid an excellent foundation for my graduate work and current role. I was well prepared from a coursework, research, and scientific communication standpoint - all of which are critical components to being a successful scientist in the chemical industry.

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This spotlight was originally posted to the Department of Chemistry website.
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Page last modified February 6, 2024