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2010-2011 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Adventure Tourism Management Minor

Students in other majors may minor in hospitality and tourism management by completing a minimum of 21 credits in HTM (including HTM 101 Hospitality Fundamentals as a required course) with the prior approval of an HTM faculty mentor. Students minoring in HTM are encouraged to consider including at least one field experience course in their program. Interested students should meet with an HTM faulty mentor to establish a specific plan.

Requirements for a Minor in Adventure Tourism Management

Students in HTM and other majors may minor in adventure tourism management by completing 14 credits in the required foundation and 7 electives as per the following plan:

Required Foundation Courses (14 Credits):

Electives (Minimum of 7 Credits):

To complete the adventure tourism management minor, students must also undertake a minimum of 7 further credits from the choice below:

*Students minoring in adventure tourism management are encouraged to consider including at least one field experience course in their program. MGT, NRM, MOV appropriate adventure based internships may be included (with HTM Internship Coordinator approval).

Interested students should meet with an HTM faculty mentor to establish a specific minor plan.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.