2017-2018 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Bachelor of Science in Earth Science
- Requirements for a Major in Earth Science
- Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in Earth Science
For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in this catalog.
Requirements for a Major in Earth Science
The earth science B.S. is designed for students who want to pursue a career in secondary education. The major can also serve as a pathway to other careers. Michigan teacher certification requires completion of the College of Education professional program and a minor area of study. The geology department strongly recommends students in this major complete a biology minor. Earth science majors with a biology minor can earn a science (DI) endorsement with an additional 9 credits coursework. Students are encouraged to visit their advisor to design the best possible curricular track. A minimum of 2.7 GPA in the major is required for recommendation for teacher certification.
Completion of a major in earth science requires the following
1. General University Degree Requirements
As identified in the General Academic Regulations section of the Grand Valley State University Graduate and Undergraduate Catalog.
2. Geology Courses
Thirty-three semester credit hours of geology courses with a minimum overall GPA of 2.0.
- GEO 111 - Exploring the Earth Credits: 4
- GEO 112 - Earth History Credits: 4
- GEO 175 - Research Tools for Geosciences Credits: 1
- GEO 203 - Weather and Climate for Pre-Service Teachers Credits: 3
- GEO 214 - Solid Earth Materials and Systems Credits: 4
- GEO 220 - Earth Surface Materials and Systems Credits: 4
- GEO 319 - Earth Science in Secondary Education Credits: 4
- GEO 320 - Geomorphology Credits: 4
- GEO 430 - Oceanography Credits: 3
- GEO 485 - Geology Research and Writing Seminar Credits: 1
- GEO 486 - Geology Reading Seminar Credits: 1
3. Cognate Science Courses
Twenty-three semester credit hours of science cognate courses with a minimum overall GPA of C (2.0).
- CHM 115 - Principles of Chemistry I Credits: 4
- MTH 122 - College Algebra Credits: 3
- MTH 123 - Trigonometry Credits: 3
- PHY 105 - Descriptive Astronomy Credits: 3
- PHY 220 - General Physics I Credits: 5
- PHY 221 - General Physics II Credits: 5
Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in Earth Science
The CLAS Academic Advising Center has Earth Science curriculum guides for the major.