2017-2018 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety and Health Management
- Requirements for a Major in Occupational Safety and Health Management
- Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in OSHM
For more information, please visit the Occupational Safety and Health Management - Program Description.
Requirements for a Major in Occupational Safety and Health Management
Students planning to major in occupational safety and health management (OSHM) must complete the following requirements:
1. General University Degree Requirements
As identified in the General Academic Policies section of the Grand Valley State University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog. Note that some of the OSHM fundamentals courses listed as follows meet these requirements.
2. OSHM Fundamentals
Admission to major standing in the OSHM program requires approval of a secondary application. Applicants must meet at least the following:
- GPA of 2.3 or above in the OSHM fundamentals courses listed below;
- Completion of each course in the OSHM fundamentals with a grade of C (2.0) or above with not more than one repeat
The OSHM fundamentals courses, 33 to 38 credits, are as follows.
- BIO 105 - Environmental Science Credits: 3 OR BIO 104 - Biology for the 21st Century (4 credits) OR BIO 120 - General Biology I (4 credits)
- BMS 202 - Anatomy and Physiology Credits: 4 OR BMS 208 - Human Anatomy (3 credits)
- CHM 109 - Introductory Chemistry Credits: 4 OR CHM 115 - Principles of Chemistry I (4 credits)
- CHM 230 - Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Credits: 4 OR CHM 232 - Biological Chemistry (4 credits)
- MTH 122 - College Algebra Credits: 3 OR MTH 125 - Survey of Calculus (3 credits) OR MTH 201 - Calculus I (4 credits)
- OSH 300 - Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health Credits: 3
- PHY 200 - Physics for the Life Sciences Credits: 4 OR PHY 220 - General Physics I (5 credits) OR PHY 230 - Principles of Physics I (5 credits)
- PSY 101 - Introductory Psychology Credits: 3
- STA 215 - Introductory Applied Statistics Credits: 3 OR STA 220 - Statistical Modeling for Engineers (2 credits)
- WRT 150 - Strategies in Writing Credits: 4
3. OSHM Core
A minimum of 37 semester hours.
- OSH 310 - Hazard Control Credits: 3
- OSH 316 - Health and Safety Techniques Credits: 3
- OSH 326 - Principles of Industrial Hygiene Credits: 3
- OSH 330 - Principles of Loss Control Credits: 3
- OSH 350 - Behavioral Aspects of Safety Credits: 3
- OSH 390 - OSH Internship Preparation Credits: 1
- OSH 400 - Critical Incident Analysis Credits: 3
- OSH 410 - Ergonomic Safety Engineering Credits: 3
- OSH 414 - Environmental Safety and Health Regulations Credits: 3
- OSH 424 - Fire Science Credits: 3
- OSH 440 - Safety and Health Program Development Credits: 3
- OSH 490 - Internship in Occupational Safety and Health Management Credits: 3 to 6
- OSH 495 - Safety and Health Administration Credits: 3
4. OSHM Electives
In addition to the preceding, students must take nine hours of electives from the list as follows.
- OSH 360 - Motor Fleet Safety Credits: 3
- OSH 370 - Product Safety and Liability Credits: 3
- OSH 416 - Advanced Industrial Hygiene Credits: 3
- OSH 420 - Health Care Facility Safety Credits: 3
- OSH 430 - Construction Safety Credits: 3
Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in OSHM
This suggested order of coursework assumes that students will complete the fundamentals and general education courses with the help of their advisor and apply for admission by February 1 of the winter semester of their sophomore year.
First Year
- General education Foundations courses Credits: 9
- Free elective
- BIO 105 - Environmental Science Credits: 3 OR BIO 120 - General Biology I (4 credits)
- CHM 109 - Introductory Chemistry Credits: 4
- PSY 101 - Introductory Psychology Credits: 3
- STA 215 - Introductory Applied Statistics Credits: 3
- WRT 150 - Strategies in Writing Credits: 4
Second Year
- General education Foundations courses Credits: 9
- Free elective
- BMS 202 - Anatomy and Physiology Credits: 4 OR BMS 208 - Human Anatomy (3 credits)
- CHM 230 - Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Credits: 4
- MTH 125 - Survey of Calculus Credits: 3
- OSH 300 - Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health Credits: 3
- PHY 200 - Physics for the Life Sciences Credits: 4
Third Year
- OSHM electives Credits: 6
- General education Issues Credits: 6
- OSH 310 - Hazard Control Credits: 3
- OSH 316 - Health and Safety Techniques Credits: 3
- OSH 326 - Principles of Industrial Hygiene Credits: 3
- OSH 390 - OSH Internship Preparation Credits: 1
- OSH 400 - Critical Incident Analysis Credits: 3
- OSH 414 - Environmental Safety and Health Regulations Credits: 3
- OSH 424 - Fire Science Credits: 3
- Summer Between Third and Fourth Years
- OSH 490 - Internship in Occupational Safety and Health Management Credits: 3 to 6
Fourth Year
- OSHM elective Credits: 3
- Free electives as needed to complete 120 total credits
- OSH 330 - Principles of Loss Control Credits: 3
- OSH 350 - Behavioral Aspects of Safety Credits: 3
- OSH 410 - Ergonomic Safety Engineering Credits: 3
- OSH 440 - Safety and Health Program Development Credits: 3
- OSH 495 - Safety and Health Administration Credits: 3