2017-2018 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Physical Education Minor
Requirements for a Teachable Minor in Secondary Physical Education (credits: 23)
Students seeking a teachable minor in physical education must complete:
- MOV 201 - Psychosocial Aspects of Physical Education and Sport Credits: 3
- OR
- MOV 202 - Social Cultural Dimensions of Sport Credits: 3
- MOV 300 - Kinesiology Credits: 3
- MOV 304 - Introduction to Exercise Physiology Credits: 3
- MOV 310 - Motor Skill Development Credits: 3
- PED 202 - Adapted Physical Education and Recreation Credits: 2
- PED 307 - Teaching Physical Education - Secondary Credits: 3
Plus, two additional courses from the following:
- PED 200 - Rhythms and Dance K-12 Credits: 3
- PED 210 - Tumbling and Gymnastics, K-12 Credits: 3
- PED 220 - Individual Sports K-12 Credits: 3
- PED 230 - Team Sports K-12 Credits: 3
- PED 240 - Methods for Teaching Fitness Credits: 3