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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Archaeology - Program Description

For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section in this catalog.

Archaeology is the study of the scope and diversity of human cultural experience through analysis of material culture, from the earliest appearance of humankind to the recent past. Students gain insights into their own society and cultural heritage through comparisons with ancient cultures. The archaeology minor at Grand Valley is a collaborative interdepartmental program and is open to students from any academic major.

The archaeology program encourages student participation with local and national groups such as the Michigan Archaeological Society and Archaeological Institute of America, both of which have local chapters that welcome student members. Students are also encouraged to take part in faculty and student-directed research projects.

Opportunities for participation in archaeological field projects, both local and international, are numerous. Scholarships and other forms of financial aid may be available for some programs. Students interested in archaeological fieldwork should consult program advisors for a list of approved field programs that fulfill field research requirements for the minor.

Participating Programs

Anthropology Department ( )
Classics Department ( )
History Department ( )

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