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2019-2020 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Combined Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Master of Science in Computer Information Systems

Qualified undergraduates may be admitted to a combined bachelor's/master's program and obtain both a B.S. in information systems and an M.S. in computer information systems within an accelerated time frame. Students admitted to this program will count up to 12 credits of graduate work in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the undergraduate. After completing 120 credits and all requirements for the bachelor's degree, students are awarded a bachelor's degree. A minimum of 21 graduate credits must be completed after the 120 credits of the bachelor's degree. All other master's degree requirements must be met, including a graduate capstone.

Application Procedure

Students will normally apply directly to the School of Computing and Information Systems for the combined B.S./M.S. program during their second academic year. Application requirements include:

  • Overall GPA of 3.25 or greater
  • Student must have been admitted to the information systems program
  • 60 hours of academic credit have been completed or are in progress
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Academic transcripts (unofficial transcripts are allowable)
  • Letter of intent

Admission decisions will be made by the school admissions committee based on the student's previous academic success in CIS, as indicated by GPA and grades in the foundation CIS courses, as well as potential success in the graduate program, as indicated by the letters of recommendation, and the student's letter of intent. Decisions will normally be communicated to students within four weeks of submitting a complete application to the combined degree program.

Requirements During Undergraduate Studies

All university requirements, including general education courses, must be completed before the final (graduate) year of the combined B.S./M.S. program. In the final undergraduate year, students will normally take 12 credits of graduate-level courses. If any courses are dual-listed, students in the combined B.S./M.S. program must complete all assignments expected of graduate students and they will be evaluated in the same way as graduate students.

  • Students will be considered undergraduates for tuition, academic requirements and financial aid purposes until all requirements for the undergraduate degree are completed. Following this they will be considered graduate students, will pay graduate tuition, and will be eligible for graduate financial aid.
  • The school has identified the following courses that students may dual-count toward the B.S. and M.S. degrees. Up to 12 credits can be dual counted. Students are strongly encouraged to work with the graduate program director in CIS to ensure all undergraduate and graduate requirements are met.

* CIS 330 is an SWS course but CIS 641 is not. Students are reminded that a bachelor's degree requires two SWS courses.

Requirements During Graduate Studies

A student shall be considered a graduate student for all purposes upon either of the following events: the award of a baccalaureate degree or the completion of 120 credit hours.

Graduation Without Completion of the Program

If a student decides at some point to pursue only the undergraduate portion of the combined degree, the school will still recognize the graduate courses taken in lieu of undergraduate courses. Credit from the undergraduate degree cannot be used toward a graduate degree at a later date.

Please note that awarding of the B.S. in information systems requires a capstone course, either CIS 463, or CIS 693, or both CIS 690 and CIS 695. Awarding of the M.S. in computer information systems requires a graduate capstone course: CIS 693, or both CIS 690 and CIS 695.

Sample Curriculum Sequence

This sample order of coursework assumes that students will complete the IS foundation and general education courses with the help of their advisor and apply for undergraduate admission at the end of the winter semester of their second year. The following course sequence also assumes a strong mathematics background for the entering student. If mathematics deficiencies exist, completing the mathematics prerequisites should be the student's top priority.

This is only one of many possible sequences of courses. Students are strongly encouraged to work with the graduate program director in CIS to ensure all undergraduate and graduate requirements are met, and to customize the combined program to their areas of interest.

The sequence below makes no attempt to minimize credits. For example, the sequence assumes that all general education courses are distinct, and no "double dipping" is done.

First Year

No change from IS sample curriculum (30 Credits)

  • General education course (A) Credits: 3
  • General education course (H) Credits: 3

Second Year

No change from IS sample curriculum (31 to 32 Credits)

  • General education courses (NS1, PL, SBS1) Credits: 9

Third Year

21 undergraduate credits, plus 3 graduate credits (30 Credits)

  • General education course (US, NS2) Credits: 6

Fourth Year

20 to 24 undergraduate credits, plus 12 graduate credits (32 to 36 credits)

  • General education courses (WP, I1, I2) Credits: 9
  • IS track course elective one Credits: 3
  • IS track course elective one Credits: 3-4

Fifth Year

18 graduate credits


Undergraduate credits that count toward B.S. 111 to 116 credits
Graduate credits that count toward B.S. and M.S. 12
Graduate credits that count toward M.S. 21
Total Credits 144 to 149

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.