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2020-2021 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Early Childhood Education Minor


The program has been accredited by the following:

  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
  • State of Michigan Early Childhood Education Endorsement Program

Participating Programs

The 33-credit early childhood education minor prepares professionals to teach in and direct programs for typically and atypically developing children from birth through third grade. Diversity and equity of access to educational opportunity are integral to the program and teacher candidates are prepared to work with children and families with a range of cultural, language, religious, economic, and racial/ethnic backgrounds. The program is aligned to meet state and national standards for knowledge and skills needed to work with families and teach diverse children in inclusive programs serving children from birth through age eight. It also accounts for 300 hours required by the State of Michigan for the ZS early childhood endorsement.

The 27-credit early childhood minor is offered for nonteaching majors whose careers may involve working with young children and families. The students who are not eligible for the ZS endorsement, given that it can only be attained in combination with a teaching certificate, take the same classes, with the exception of the fieldwork (EDI 470 and EDS 470).

Certification and Endorsement

The early childhood endorsement (ZS) can only be attained in combination with the CSAT elementary education certification major and when students have completed the 300 hours required by the State of Michigan. Successful completion of the CSAT and elementary education majors, the early childhood minor, and other state certification requirements qualifies students for elementary education certification and for the ZS specialty endorsement for teaching in general and special education programs serving children from birth to third grade.


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