2021-2022 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Education Special Education (EDS)
- EDS 316 - Supporting and Responding to Diverse Families and Children Outside the Classroom (3 credits)
- EDS 317 - The Myth of Normal: Disability Studies in the 21st Century (3 credits)
- EDS 318 - Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Difficulties (3 credits)
- EDS 323 - Teaching Students with Language and Literacy Learning Difficulties (3 credits)
- EDS 332 - Methods and Strategies of Special Education Teaching (5 credits)
- EDS 360 - Language and Reading Development (3 credits)
- EDS 361 - Principles, Processes, and Methods in Special Education (3 credits)
- EDS 378 - Universal Design for Learning: Elementary (3 credits)
- EDS 379 - Universal Design for Learning: Secondary (3 credits)
- EDS 380 - Special Topics in Special Education (1 to 3 credits)
- EDS 399 - Independent Study in Special Education (1 to 3 credits)
- EDS 416 - Integrating Social-Emotional Learning and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Across BK (3 credits)
- EDS 441 - Curriculum for CI (3 credits)
- EDS 442 - Curriculum for EI (3 credits)
- EDS 463 - Educational Practices and Procedures: Cognitive Impairment (3 credits)
- EDS 464 - Educational Practices and Procedures: Emotional Impairment (3 credits)
- EDS 470 - Directed Teaching in Early Childhood Developmental Delay (3 credits)
- EDS 471 - Directed Teaching in Cognitive Impairment (9 credits)
- EDS 472 - Directed Teaching in Emotional Impairment (9 credits)
- EDS 495 - Diagnostic and Interpretive Procedures (3 credits)
- EDS 497 - Educational Interventions: Cognitive Impairment (3 credits)
- EDS 498 - Educational Interventions: Emotional Impairment (3 credits)
- EDS 499 - Independent Study (1 to 3 credits)
- EDS 550 - Preteaching and Methods of Teaching Special Education (6 credits)
- EDS 601 - Content/Curriculum Workshops (1 to 3 credits)
- EDS 609 - Understanding Students with Emotional Impairment (3 credits)
- EDS 610 - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (3 credits)
- EDS 611 - Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Emotional Impairment (3 credits)
- EDS 615 - Educational Assessment and Interventions for Autism (3 credits)
- EDS 616 - Language and Communication Assessment and Instruction for Autism (3 credits)
- EDS 618 - Understanding Students with Cognitive Impairment (3 credits)
- EDS 619 - Educational Interventions for Mild Cognitive Impairment (3 credits)
- EDS 620 - Educational Interventions for Severe Cognitive Impairment (3 credits)
- EDS 621 - Assistive Technology in Education (3 credits)
- EDS 622 - Assessment for Placement and Program: CI (3 credits)
- EDS 623 - Collaboration in Special Education (3 credits)
- EDS 625 - Inclusive Practices (3 credits)
- EDS 627 - Technology and Professional Practice (3 credits)
- EDS 629 - Transition Practices (3 credits)
- EDS 636 - Diagnostic and Interpretative Procedures (3 credits)
- EDS 637 - Explicit Language Instruction (3 credits)
- EDS 638 - Instructional Practices: Learning Disabilities II (3 credits)
- EDS 640 - Diagnostic-Teaching Clinic (3 credits)
- EDS 646 - Family and Community Collaboration in Early Childhood Education (3 credits)
- EDS 647 - Serving Young Children with Diverse Needs (3 credits)
- EDS 652 - Foundations of Special Education (3 credits)
- EDS 680 - Special Topics in Special Education (1 to 3 credits)
- EDS 685 - Practicum/Graduate Field Experience (3 or 6 credits)
- EDS 693 - Master's Project (1 to 3 credits)
- EDS 695 - Master's Thesis (1 to 6 credits)
- EDS 696 - Continuation of Master's Project or Thesis Research (1 credit)
- EDS 697 - Professional Learning (1 to 3 credits)
- EDS 699 - Independent Study in Special Education (1 to 3 credits)