2023-2024 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
- 3rd-6th English (36E)
- 3rd-6th grades (GR36)
- 3rd-6th Mathematics (36M)
- 3rd-6th Science (36SC)
- 3rd-6th Social Studies (36SS)
- Actuarial Sciences (ACTU)
- Adult and Higher Education (ADU)
- Adult/Older Adult Clinical (AOAC)
- Advanced Generalist (AGN)
- Advertising (ADV)
- Applied (APM)
- Applied Data Analytics (DAT)
- Aquatic Sciences (AQS)
- Auditing (AUDT)
- Biomedical Engineering (BMD)
- Biomedical Informatics (CSBM)
- Biomolecular Processes (BMP)
- Biotechnology (BTC)
- Breast Ultrasound (BRU)
- Business Fundamentals (BUFD)
- Ceramics (CER)
- Ceramics (ECR)
- Child/Adolescent Clinical (CAC)
- Classical Languages (CLL)
- Classical Studies (CLST)
- Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Urban Resiliency Planning (CRP)
- Cognitive Impairment (CI)
- College Student Affairs Leadership (CSA)
- Community Development Planning (CDP)
- Community Health (CHT)
- Community Impact (CMI)
- Criminal Justice (CJ)
- Cybersecurity (CSCS)
- Data Science (DSE)
- Database Management (CSDM)
- Design (EGDE)
- Design and Innovation (EGDI)
- Distributed Computing (CSDC)
- Distribution and Logistics (DLO)
- Early Childhood Education (ECE)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB)
- Educational Differentiation (DIF)
- Educational Technology (ETCH)
- Electrical (EE)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (EEC)
- Elementary Education (ELE)
- Emotional Impairment (EI)
- Engineering Management (EM)
- Environment and Global Development (GEGD)
- Environmental (ENVE)