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2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Dean: Drake
Associate Dean: Anderson
Associate Dean: Tunstall
Associate Dean: Vigna
Assistant Dean: Schaner
Assistant Dean: McCloud



Through our commitment to liberal education, CLAS strives to be an inclusive and equitable community of inquiry where students, staff, and faculty collaborate to pursue and create knowledge, to enact global citizenship, and to engage and support our many communities.

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will realize our vision through five commitments.

Commitment 1: Centering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access
We value and work to foster a community in which inclusion, equity, access, and respect for difference sustain, and are sustained by, a liberal education that is accessible to and beneficial for all.

Commitment 2: Supporting Student Success
We value the uniqueness and the diversity of human experiences and standpoints and support a student-ready approach to the continuous improvement of CLAS structures and processes.

Commitment 3: Creating a Workplace Where Faculty and Staff Can Thrive
We value structures and processes that provide faculty and staff opportunities to develop as professionals and leaders, that support a reasonable balance of time and energy across all areas of our lives, and that provide opportunities to connect and build relationships. We value the life of the mind, in all its forms, and recognize that the creation of knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge are closely connected activities for teacher-scholars.

Commitment 4: Teaching and Learning Through Engagement
We value a curriculum with an emphasis on pathways, experiences, collaborations, and connections that occur within and across courses, disciplines, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and career plans. We believe that student engagement should be a top priority in all disciplines and at all levels, so that students understand the value of education as a lifelong process instead of viewing each course or degree solely as a means to an end.

Commitment 5: Engaging Our Alumni and Communities
We value reciprocal relationships with alumni and other community partners. Alumni are valuable allies as we strive to create experiential learning opportunities for our students and to enhance student understanding of the career-related skills and competencies gained through their university curriculum. We seek dialogue with current and potential community partners, and we will develop partnerships around their needs and goals.

Program Information

Academic Units

Biomedical Sciences
Cell and Molecular Biology
Communications, School of
Geography and Sustainable Planning
Modern Languages and Literatures
Movement Science
Music, Theatre, and Dance
Political Science
Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute
Visual and Media Arts


See individual unit or program sections for information.

Secondary Admission for Undergraduates

  • Art Education (B.A., B.S.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
  • Art History (B.A.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
  • Chemistry (B.S.); Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • Film and Video Production (B.A., B.S.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
  • Music (B.A., B.M.E., B.M.); National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
  • Photography (B.A., B.S.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
  • Studio Art (B.A., B.F.A., B.S.); National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
  • Regional Math and Science Center; Michigan Department of Education (MDEC)

The following programs require audition, portfolio review, and/or prerequisites and separate application:

  • Art education
  • Dance
  • Music

Graduate Admission

See appropriate Academic Program description for information on graduate admission.

Honors Organizations

Program-specific honors programs are described under each unit's description.


There are many scholarships available for students enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. For a complete list and criteria to apply, visit The eligibility criteria for each scholarship can be found in the Costs and Financial Aid section of the catalog.

Community Resources

  • Autism Education Center
  • Regional Math and Science Center
  • Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute

Refer to the Community Resources section of this catalog for more information.

Created in July 2004, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) is the largest of Grand Valley's colleges and offers more than 50 bachelor's degrees (and a growing number of advanced degrees) in the natural and mathematical sciences, the humanities, the fine and performing arts, and the social sciences.

All Grand Valley undergraduates build the foundation for their major studies in general education courses offered by our college.

Advertising and Public Relations
Advertising and Public Relations, B.A., B.S.
Advertising (emphasis)
Public Relations (emphasis)
Advertising and Public Relations (minor)
Combined Advertising and Public Administration, B.A., B.S. and Master of Communication, M.S.

Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute
(See Biology, M.S., Aquatic Sciences)

Aging and Adult Life
Aging and Adult Life (minor)

Anthropology, B.A., B.S.
Anthropology (minor)
Applied Anthropology, certificate

Applied Linguistics
Applied Linguistics (minor)
-General (minor emphasis)
-ESL (minor emphasis)

Arabic (minor)

Archaeology (minor)

Behavioral Neuroscience
Behavioral Neuroscience, B.A., B.S.

Biochemistry, B.S.

Biology, B.A., B.S.
Biomolecular Processes
-Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (emphasis)
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, B.S.
-General Biology (emphasis)
-Preveterinary Medicine (emphasis)
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
Biology, M.S.
-Aquatic Sciences (M.S. emphasis)
-Natural Resources (M.S. emphasis)
Biology (minor)
Biology Secondary Education (minor)
Wildlife Biology, B.S.

Biomedical Sciences
Biomedical Sciences, B.S.
Microbiology B.S,
Combined Biomedical Sciences, B.S. and Master of Health Science, (M.H.S.)
Biomedical Sciences, M.H.S.

Biostatistics, M.S.

Cell and Molecular Biology
Cell and Molecular Biology, B.S.
Cell and Molecular Biology, M.S.
-Biotechnology (M.S. emphasis)
-Research (M.S. emphasis)
Combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology
Bioinformatics and Genomics (undergraduate certificate)
Bioinformatics and Genomics (graduate certificate)
Homebrewing Beer (undergraduate badge)
Advanced Craft Brewing (undergraduate badge)

Chemistry, B.S.
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
Chemistry (minor)
Chemistry Secondary Education (minor)
Green Chemistry (certificate)

Chinese Language (minor)

Classics, B.A.
-Classical Languages (emphasis)
-Classical Studies (emphasis
-Latin Secondary Education (emphasis)

Communication Studies
Communication Studies, B.A., B.S.
Communications, M.S.
Combined Communication Studies, B.A., B.S. and Master of Communication, M.S.

Dance, B.A.
Dance (minor)

Earth Science
Earth Science, B.S.
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
Earth Science (minor)

English, B.A.
-Language and Literature (emphasis)
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
English (minor)
English Secondary Education (minor)
Applied Linguistics (minor)

Exercise Science
Combined Exercise Science, B.S. and Master of Athletic Training, M.A.T.
Combined Exercise Science, B.S. and Master of Public Health, M.P.H.
Exercise Science, B.S.
-Clinical Exercise Science (emphasis)
-Exercise Physiology and Sports Performance (emphasis)
-Exercise Science in Health Care (emphasis)
-Health Fitness Instruction (emphasis)
-Physical Activity and Health (emphasis)

Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, B.S.

French, B.A.
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
French (minor)
French Secondary Education (minor)

Geography and Sustainable Planning
Geography, B.A., B.S.
-Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resiliency Planning (emphasis)
-Environment and Global Development (emphasis)
-Geospatial Technology (emphasis)
-Urban and Regional Planning (emphasis)
Environmental Remote Sensing (certificate)
Geographic Information Science (G.I.S.) and Technology (certificate)
Geography - Secondary Teacher Certification (minor)
Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning (minor)
Geospatial Technology (minor)
Sustainable Urban and Regional Planning (certificate)

Geology, B.S.
-Environmental (emphasis)
Geology (minor)

Geology - Chemistry
Geology - Chemistry, B.S.

German, B.A.
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
German (minor)
German Secondary Education (minor)

Health Communication
Health Communication, B.A., B.S.
Combined Health Communication, B.A., B.S., and Master of Communication, M.S.

Health and Physical Education
Health and Physical Education, B.S.
Health and Physical Education, B.S. (K-12)

History, B.A., B.S.
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
History (minor)
History Secondary Education (minor)

History of Science
History of Science (minor)

Integrated Science
Integrated Science, B.S.
-Secondary Education (emphasis)

International Relations
International Relations, B.A.
International Relations (minor)

Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media
Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media, B.A., B.S.
Combined Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media, B.A., B.S. and Master of Communication, M.S.

Mathematics, B.A., B.S.
-Applied Mathematics (emphasis)
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
-Theoretical Mathematics (emphasis)
Mathematics (minor)
Mathematics Elementary Education (minor)
Mathematics Secondary Education (minor)

Movement Science
Movement Science (minor)

Music, B.A.
Music, B.M.
-Instrumental (emphasis)
-Keyboard (emphasis)
-Vocal (emphasis)
Music (minor)
Music Education, B.M.E. (K-12)
-Instrumental (emphasis)
-Vocal/Choral (emphasis)
Piano Pedagogy (certificate)

Natural Resource and Environmental Management
Natural Resource and Environmental Management, B.S.
Natural Resource and Environmental Management (minor)

Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Elementary Teaching, B.A., B.S.
Pre-K through 3rd Grade (emphasis)
3rd Grade through 6th Grade (emphasis)
Pre-K through 6th Grade (emphasis)
Mathematics (concentration)
Language Arts (concentration)
Social Studies (concentration)
Integrated Science (concentration)

Philosophy, B.A.
Philosophy (minor)
Health Care Ethics (minor)
STEM Ethics (minor)

Physics, B.S.
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
Physics (minor)
Physics Secondary Education (minor)

Political Science
Political Science, B.A., B.S.
Legal Education Admission Program (LEAP)
Political Science (minor)
Political Science Secondary Education (minor)
Political Science and Law, B.A./J.D.
Political Science and Law, B.S./J.D.

Preprofessional Studies
Predental Studies
Premedical Studies
Preveterinary Medicine

Psychology, B.A., B.S.
Psychology (minor)
Psychology Secondary Education (minor)
Applied Behavior Analysis (certificate)

School Psychology
School Psychology, M.S. and Psy.S.

Sociology, B.A., B.S.
Sociology (minor)

Spanish, B.A.
-Secondary Education (emphasis)
Spanish (minor)
Spanish Elementary Education (minor, in conjunction with a PCKET major)
Spanish Secondary Education (minor)

Sport Management
Sport Management, B.S.
Sport Coaching (certificate)

Statistics, B.A., B.S.
-Actuarial Sciences (emphasis)
Applied Statistics (minor)
Data Science (minor)
Mathematical Statistics (minor)
Combined Statistics, B.S. and Data Science and Analytics, M.S.

Theatre, B.A., B.S.
Theatre (minor)

Wildlife Biology
Wildlife Biology, B.S.

Visual and Media Arts
Art Education (Teacher Certification K-12) B.A., B.S.
Art History, B.A.
Art History (minor)
Film and Video Production, B.A., B.S
Photography, B.A., B.S.
Photography (minor)
Studio Art, B.A., B.S.
Studio Art, B.F.A.
Studio Art (minor)
-Ceramics (emphasis)
-Graphic Design (emphasis)
-Illustration (emphasis)
-Jewelry/Metalsmithing (emphasis)
-Painting (emphasis)
-Printmaking (emphasis)
-Sculpture (emphasis)
-Visual Studies (emphasis)

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.