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2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]

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Movement Science

For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section in this catalog.



The Department of Movement Science is a multidisciplinary unit where faculty and students critically examine and apply scientific, clinical, educational, and cultural aspects of sport and movement to promote healthy living across the lifespan.


The Department of Movement Science aspires to be a center of excellence in the diverse study of sport and human movement. Faculty will adopt innovative teaching techniques, actively collaborate in scholarship, foster critical thinking, and support experiential learning. With a dynamic, student-centered focus on success; faculty and students will excel as leaders in their profession.


Innovative and diverse methods of teaching: We promote multiple forms of content delivery through varied and innovative teaching techniques.

Collaborative scholarly and creative activity: We recognize that scholarly creative work is a high impact activity for students, and value the interaction between faculty and students in pursuing this form of inquiry.

Physical literacy: We value the ability, confidence, and desire to be physically active for a lifetime.

Diversity and cultural competency: We value diversity and inclusiveness in teaching, scholarship, and service.

Inclusive living-learning communities: We value the opportunity for students to live in a shared community that allows for greater faculty and peer interaction and increases opportunities for coordinated activities and resources in a socially and academically supportive residential living environment.

Experiential learning: We promote experiential learning within our curricula. Students learn to apply knowledge by being immersed within the professional environment.

Degrees Offered

B.S. in exercise science, B.S. in health and physical education, and B.S. in sport management. The B.S. in health and physical education is required to seek Michigan K-12 teacher certification in both health and physical education.

The Department of Movement Science serves the diverse preprofessional needs of Grand Valley State University students who seek careers in exercise science (clinical and health fitness instruction), K-12 health and physical education teacher education, and sport management. The department also supports the FIT Program, (fitness, skill, and activity classes) for all Grand Valley State University students to gain the skill, confidence and desire to be physically active for a lifetime.

The major programs in the Department of Movement Science provide students with broad theoretical and conceptual foundations for professional preparation in exercise science, health and physical education teacher education, and sport management. The programs are designed to encourage the examination of philosophical, historical, psycho-social, scientific, ethical, and legal constructs of the professions. In addition, the programs provide opportunities for majors to complete appropriate fieldwork, clinical, and internship experiences to fulfill program requirements.

The majors in movement science are designed for the professional preparation in the areas of exercise science, health and physical education, and sport management. This professional preparation may lead to graduate study and/or the following career opportunities: physical education teacher, health education teacher, coaching, athletics programming, marketing and management, exercise scientist, fitness/wellness instructor, health/fitness club administrator, intramural director, recreation leader, athletic official, camp administration, exercise physiologist, cardiac rehabilitation specialist, strength and conditioning specialist, personal trainer, outdoor-adventure activities programming, aquatics instructor, and corporate fitness administration.

Program Requirements

The following programs are available:

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