2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art
The B.F.A. is a degree option for studio art majors developed to prepare students for a professional career in one of eight emphases: ceramics, graphic design, illustration, jewelry/metalsmithing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, or visual studies. In addition to specific emphasis requirements, students seeking a B.F.A. degree must complete a minimum of 81 credits across the Department of Visual and Media Arts, as outlined. A 2.75 GPA must be maintained in the upper-level studio courses for a B.F.A.
First Two Years
Students pursuing a B.F.A. in studio art are required to complete the following foundations courses:
- ART 150 - Foundations: 2-D Design and Color (3 credits)
- ART 151 - Foundations: 3-D Design (3 credits)
- ART 153 - Foundations: Making and Meaning in Art and Design (3 credits)
- ART 155 - Foundations: Introduction to Drawing I (3 credits)
- One course from film and video production or photography, as specified by each emphasis area. (3 credits)
Art History
Students pursuing a B.F.A. in studio art are required to complete:
- ART 221 - Survey of Art History I (3 credits)
- ART 222 - Survey of Art History II (3 credits)
- Art history electives (6 credits)
- Select from the following list of classes. Students cannot take both ART 218 and ART 219 to complete their electives in art history. Design emphasis students must take ART 218 as one of their electives. Illustration emphasis students must take ART 219 as one of their electives.
- ART 218 - Design History (3 credits) OR ART 219 - History of Illustration (3 credits)
- ART 322 - Goths to Gothic: Medieval Art (3 credits)
- ART 323 - Rethinking Renaissance Art (3 credits)
- ART 327 - Art Since 1945 (3 credits)
- ART 380 - Special Topics in Art and Design (1 to 3 credits) history emphasis
- ART 386 - Art History Study Abroad (3 credits)
- ART 420 - Asian Art (3 credits)
- ART 421 - Surrealism (3 credits)
- ART 422 - Art and the Worlds of Islam (3 credits)
- ART 423 - Animals in Art (3 credits)
- ART 425 - Depicting a Nation: 19th Century American Art (3 credits)
- Select from the following list of classes. Students cannot take both ART 218 and ART 219 to complete their electives in art history. Design emphasis students must take ART 218 as one of their electives. Illustration emphasis students must take ART 219 as one of their electives.
Students pursuing a B.F.A. in studio art are required to complete:
Students register for a section taught by an art history professor. Completion of the art history requirements for the B.F.A. program is a prerequisite for ART 495.
Senior Project Requirement
All B.F.A. students pursuing an emphasis in ceramics, jewelry/metalsmithing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and visual studies must complete ART 498 - Senior Project (3 credits). All B.F.A. students pursuing an emphasis in graphic design must complete ART 415 - Graphic Design Senior Project (3 credits). Those B.F.A. students pursuing an emphasis in illustration must complete ART 416 - Senior Project: Illustration (3 credits).
General Education Requirements
In the GVSU general education requirements, the Foundations section lists ART 101 - Introduction to Art (3 credits) as a choice. ART 101 is not required for the B.F.A., B.A., or B.S. in studio art. Some of the material in ART 101 will be duplicated in the required coursework. Majors are advised to take one of the other classes in the general education-Arts category.
The following are key moments of assessment in each student's progress toward a B.F.A. degree.
Second-year Advisory Review
The second-year review marks the conclusion of the introductory part of the program and supports the student in planning. A faculty review panel will assess craft, interests, technical, and other strengths evident in the studio work from completed and in-progress studio courses. This advisory review happens near the end of the semester that students will have completed (or transferred) the following courses: ART 150, ART 151, ART 153, ART 155, the course from film and video and/or photography, and five other studios in four different areas, including the required course from a 3D area (ceramics, jewelry/metalsmithing, or sculpture). Students should plan to take these courses and schedule their Second Year Advisory Review as early as possible in the program.
Junior Review
Two semesters before their B.F.A. exhibition, all B.F.A. students are required to present a faculty review panel with examples of the work they have completed since their second-year advisory review, in order to discuss potential paths forward to their senior project. Based on the review, students may be asked to do remedial work and submit to an additional review. If an additional review is unsuccessful, the student will be asked to shift from their current program or the department.
Senior Exhibition and Review
In order to complete their senior project (ART 415, ART 416, or ART 498), graduating B.F.A. students must present their work in either a group exhibition or solo exhibition, reviewed by studio art faculty and earning a grade of at least a C.
Requires 57 credits as follows.
Required Pathway Courses (15 credits)
- ART 275 - Ceramics: The Basics (3 credits)
- ART 376 - Ceramics: Process (3 credits)
- ART 377 - Ceramics: Idea (3 credits)
- ART 378 - Ceramics: Concept (3 credits)
- ART 379 - Ceramics: Material (3 credits)
Culminating Courses (9 credits)
- ART 401 - Senior Seminar (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
- ART 498 - Senior Project (3 credits)
Film and Video Production or Photography Course (3 credits)
Students may select any studio course in film/video production or photography.
Studio Elective Courses (30 credits)
Students may choose from any studio courses offered in the studio art major. A minimum of one studio elective must be taken from either the jewelry/metalsmithing or sculpture areas. Some elective courses may have prerequisite courses. Students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in determining which courses will be appropriate for their interests and the requirements.
For students desiring more engagement in the ceramic emphasis, ART 478 - Ceramics: Advanced Studio (3 credits) is suggested as an optional studio elective class. This course is repeatable and up to six credits in ceramics will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree. For students desiring more depth in photography or film and video production, any additional studio courses in the two programs are suggested. Up to three additional credits in photography or film and video production will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree.
Students are encouraged to complete courses in studio art and other areas of interest beyond the minimum required. Unrestricted elective credits, i.e., those beyond the 27-credit minimum, will apply toward the GVSU 120 credit-hour baccalaureate degree requirement and may help satisfy general education requirements.
Graphic Design
Requires 57 credits as follows.
Required Pathway Courses (15 credits)
- ART 210 - Graphic Design Studio I: Introduction to Typography (3 credits)
- ART 214 - Experience Design Studio I: Digital Interfaces (3 credits)
- ART 310 - Graphic Design Studio II: Typographic Systems (3 credits)
- ART 314 - Experience Design Studio II: Integrated Systems (3 credits)
- ART 410 - Graphic Design V (3 credits)
Culminating Courses (9 credits)
- ART 413 - Graphic Design Professional Practice Seminar (3 credits)
- ART 415 - Graphic Design Senior Project (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
Film and Video Production or Photography Course (3 credits)
Design History Course
Students must substitute ART 218 - Design History (3 credits) for one of the two Art History elective courses.
Studio Elective Courses (30 credits)
Students can choose from any studio courses offered in the studio art major. A minimum of one studio elective must be taken from either the ceramics, jewelry/metalsmithing, or sculpture areas. Some elective courses may have prerequisite courses. Students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in determining which courses will be appropriate for their interests and the requirements.
For students desiring more engagement in the graphic design emphasis, any additional graphic design courses are suggested. Up to nine additional credits in graphic design will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree. These include:
- ART 217 - Graphic Design Internship Seminar (1 credit)
- ART 313 - Graphic Design for 3D Experiences (3 credits)
- ART 318 - Graphic Design Forum (3 credits)
- ART 491 - Internship in Studio Art (1 to 6 credits)
For students desiring more depth in photography or film and video production, any additional studio courses in the two programs are suggested. Up to three additional credits in photography or film and video production will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree.
Students are encouraged to complete courses in studio art and other areas of interest beyond the minimum required. Unrestricted elective credits, i.e., those beyond the 27-credit minimum, will apply toward the GVSU 120 credit-hour baccalaureate degree requirement and may help satisfy general education requirements.
Requires 57 credits as follows.
Required Pathway Courses (15 credits)
- ART 281 - Fundamentals of Illustration: Ideation and Sequence (3 credits)
- ART 282 - Fundamentals of Illustration: Materials and Techniques (3 credits)
- ART 383 - Intermediate Illustration: World Building (3 credits)
- ART 384 - Intermediate Illustration: Applied Design (3 credits)
- Advanced Illustration: Choose one (3 credits)
Note: If students wish to take both advanced courses, one can be applied as a studio elective toward the BFA requirement.
Culminating Courses (9 credits)
- ART 414 - Portfolio: Illustration (3 credits)
- ART 416 - Senior Project: Illustration (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
Notes on prerequisites and sequencing
Illustration courses are divided into three levels: fundamentals, intermediate, and advanced. Students may take one class from each tier following this sequence: fundamentals to intermediate to advanced illustration. However, to be awarded an illustration emphasis, both courses in the fundamentals and intermediate tiers and one advanced course should be completed before senior project. For example:
- Fundamentals of Illustration: 2 courses (6 credits)
- Intermediate Illustration: 2 courses (6 credits)
- Advanced Illustration: 1 course (3 credits)
Film and Video Production or Photography Course (3 credits)
Illustration History Course (3 credits)
Students must substitute ART 219 - History of Illustration (3 credits) for one of the two art history elective courses. The other elective must be 300-level or above.
Studio Elective Courses (30 credits)
Students can choose from any studio courses offered in the studio art major. A minimum of one studio elective must be taken from either the ceramics, jewelry/metalsmithing, or sculpture areas. Some elective offerings may have prerequisite courses. Students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in determining which course will be appropriate for their interests and the requirements.
For students desiring more engagement in the illustration emphasis, additional illustration courses are suggested. Up to nine additional credits in illustration will be applied toward the B.F.A. These include:
- ART 389 - Illustration Mentorship (3 credits)
- ART 481 - Advanced Illustration: Narrative (3 credits)
- ART 484 - Advanced Illustration: Commentary (3 credits)
For students desiring more depth in photography or film and video production, any additional studio courses in the two programs are suggested. Up to three additional credits in photography or film and video production will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree. Students are encouraged to complete courses in studio art and other areas of interest beyond the minimum required. Unrestricted elective credits, i.e., those beyond the 27-credit minimum, will apply toward the GVSU 120 credit-hour baccalaureate degree requirement and may help satisfy general education requirements.
Requires 57 credits as follows.
Required Pathway Courses (15 credits)
- ART 245 - Fabricating Adornment: Jewelry Basics and Design (3 credits)
- ART 246 - Fluidity in Small Form: Jewelry Casting (3 credits)
- ART 347 - The Functional Metal Object in the Domestic Space (3 credits)
- ART 348 - The Body Adorned: Constructed Identity (3 credits)
- ART 349 - Jewelry and Metalsmithing Production (3 credits)
Culminating Courses (9 credits)
- ART 401 - Senior Seminar (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
- ART 498 - Senior Project (3 credits)
- Students may enroll in ART 245 and ART 246 in the same semester.
- ART 245 is the prerequisite for both and ART 349.
Film and Video Production or Photography Course (3 credits)
Studio Elective Courses (30 credits)
Students can choose from any studio courses offered in the studio art major. A minimum of one studio elective must be taken from either the ceramics or sculpture areas. Some elective offerings may have prerequisite courses. Students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in determining which courses will be appropriate for their interests and the requirements.
For students desiring more engagement in the jewelry and metalsmithing emphasis (also known as JEM), both ART 347 and ART 349 may be repeated once. No more than six additional JEM credits may be applied toward the B.F.A. degree. Students are also encouraged to take ART 271 - Sculpture: Digital 3D Modeling and Design (3 credits).
For students desiring more depth in photography or film and video production, any additional studio courses in the two programs are suggested. Up to three additional credits in photography or film and video production will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree.
Students are encouraged to complete courses in studio art and other areas of interest beyond the minimum required. Unrestricted elective credits, i.e., those beyond the 27-credit minimum, will apply toward the GVSU 120 credit-hour baccalaureate degree requirement and may help satisfy general education requirements.
Requires 57 credits as follows.
Required Pathway Courses (15 credits)
- ART 260 - Introduction to Painting (3 credits)
- ART 361 - Intermediate Painting I (3 credits)
- ART 362 - Intermediate Painting II (3 credits)
- ART 462 - Advanced Painting I (3 credits)
- ART 463 - Advanced Painting II (3 credits)
Culminating Courses (9 credits)
- ART 401 - Senior Seminar (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
- ART 498 - Senior Project (3 credits)
Film and Video Production or Photography Course (3 credits)
Students may select any studio course in film/video production or photography.
Studio Elective Courses (30 credits)
Students can choose from any courses offered in the studio art major. A minimum of one studio elective must be taken from either the ceramics, jewelry/metalsmithing, or sculpture areas. Some elective offerings may have prerequisite courses. Students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in determining which courses will be appropriate for their interests and the requirements.
For students desiring more depth in photography or film and video production, any additional studio courses in the two programs are suggested. Up to three additional credits in photography or film and video production will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree.
Students are encouraged to complete courses in studio art and other areas of interest beyond the minimum required. Unrestricted elective credits, i.e., those beyond the 27-credit minimum, will apply toward the GVSU 120 credit-hour baccalaureate degree requirement and may help satisfy general education requirements.
Requires 57 credits as follows.
Required Pathway Courses (15 credits)
- ART 263 - Screenprint and Relief (3 credits)
- ART 264 - Etching and Monotype (3 credits)
- ART 363 - Screenprint and Relief II: Mashups, Mutations, Multiples (3 credits)
- ART 364 - Etching and Monotype II: Mashups, Mutations, Multiples (3 credits)
- ART 465 - Print Media Mixed: Signs, Series, Stories (3 credits)
Culminating Courses (9 credits)
- ART 401 - Senior Seminar (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
- ART 498 - Senior Project (3 credits)
- Students may enroll in ART 263 and ART 264 in the same semester.
- ART 263 is the prerequisite for ART 363, while ART 264 is the prerequisite for ART 364.
- Students make take either ART 363 OR ART 364 as the prerequisite for ART 465.
Film and Video Production or Photography Course (3 credits)
Studio Elective Courses (30 credits)
Students can choose from any courses offered in the studio art major. A minimum of one studio elective must be taken from either the ceramics, jewelry/metalsmithing, or sculpture areas. Some elective offerings may have prerequisite courses. Students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in determining which courses will be appropriate for their interests and the requirements.
For students desiring more depth in photography or film and video production, any additional studio courses in the two programs are suggested. Up to three additional credits in photography or film and video production will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree.
Students are encouraged to complete courses in studio art and other areas of interest beyond the minimum required. Unrestricted elective credits, i.e., those beyond the 27-credit minimum, will apply toward the GVSU 120 credit-hour baccalaureate degree requirement and may help satisfy general education requirements.
Requires 57 credits as follows.
Required Pathway Courses (15 credits)
- ART 270 - Sculpture: Creating/Building/Making (3 credits)
- ART 271 - Sculpture: Digital 3D Modeling and Design (3 credits)
- ART 371 - Materials and Making: Digital Fabrication in Sculpture (3 credits)
- ART 372 - Mold Making and Casting: Digital Foundry in Sculpture (3 credits)
- ART 373 - Design and Materiality: Objects and Sculpture (3 credits)
- OR ART 295 - Space Studio: Art, Installation, Environment, Site (3 credits)
- OR ART 296 - Time Studio: Art, Video, Sound, Action (3 credits)
Culminating Courses (9 credits)
- ART 401 - Senior Seminar (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
- ART 498 - Senior Project (3 credits)
Film and Video Production or Photography Course (3 credits)
Students may select any studio course in film/video production or photography.
Studio Elective Courses (30 credits)
Students can choose from any studio courses offered in the studio art major. A minimum of one studio elective must be taken from either the ceramics or jewelry/metalsmithing areas. Some elective courses may have prerequisite courses. Students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in determining which courses will be appropriate for their interests and requirements.
For students desiring further engagement in sculpture, both ART 371 - Materials and Making: Digital Fabrication in Sculpture (3 credits) and ART 372 - Mold Making and Casting: Digital Foundry in Sculpture (3 credits) may be repeated once. No more than six additional sculpture credits may be applied toward the B.F.A. degree. Students are also encouraged to take either ART 245 - Fabricating Adornment: Jewelry Basics and Design (3 credits) or ART 275 - Ceramics: The Basics (3 credits) as a studio elective course.
For students desiring more depth in photography or film and video production, any additional courses in the two programs are suggested. Up to 3 additional credits in photography or film and video production will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree.
Students are encouraged to complete courses in studio art and other areas of interest beyond the minimum required. Unrestricted elective credits, i.e., those beyond the 27-credit minimum, will apply toward the GVSU 120 credit-hour baccalaureate degree requirement and may help satisfy general education requirements.
Visual Studies
Requires 57 credits as follows.
Working with their advisor, students design individualized learning plans that include required and elective courses in the studio art major. Learning plans are reviewed every semester. Individualized learning plans in visual studies can include deeper engagement in varied studio areas and combinations, and be developed together with other scholarly, community, experiential, and career objectives.
Required Pathway Courses (15 credits)
Students must choose four visual studies courses from the following:
- ART 293 - Image Studio: Art, Production, Meaning, Display (3 credits)
- ART 295 - Space Studio: Art, Installation, Environment, Site (3 credits)
- ART 296 - Time Studio: Art, Video, Sound, Action (3 credits)
- ART 391 - Civic Studio: Art in Public (3 credits)
- ART 392 - Curatorial Studio: Art, Exhibitions, Events (3 credits)
- ART 394 - Interactive Studio: Art, Interface, Collaboration (3 credits)
Students must choose a fifth course from the following:
- Any visual studies course (visual studies courses can be repeated once)
- Any sculpture course (ART 270, ART 271, ART 371, ART 372, ART 373)
- AART 361 - Intermediate Painting I (3 credits)
- Any 300-level printmaking course (ART 363 or ART 364)
Culminating Courses (9 credits)
- ART 401 - Senior Seminar (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
- ART 498 - Senior Project (3 credits)
Film and Video Production or Photography Course (3 credits)
Studio Elective Courses (30 credits)
Studio elective courses are chosen from any courses offered in the studio art major as part of the individualized learning plan. A minimum of one studio elective must be taken from either the ceramics, jewelry/metalsmithing, or sculpture areas. Some elective courses may have prerequisite courses. Students are encouraged to work closely with their advisors in determining which course will be appropriate for their interests and the requirements.
For students desiring more engagement in the visual studies emphasis, any additional visual studies courses are suggested. Up to nine additional credits in visual studies will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree. Visual studies courses can be repeated once.
For students desiring more depth in photography or film and video production, any additional courses in the two programs are suggested. Up to three additional credits in photography or film and video production will be applied toward the B.F.A. degree. Students are encouraged to complete courses in studio art and other areas of interest beyond the minimum required. Unrestricted elective credits, i.e., those beyond the 27-credit minimum, will apply toward the GVSU 120 credit-hour baccalaureate degree requirement and may help satisfy general education requirements.
Suggested Order of Coursework for a B.F.A. in Studio Art
Year One
Fall Semester (15 credits):
- Two general education courses (6 credits)
- Three foundation studio courses:
- ART 150 - Foundations: 2-D Design and Color (3 credits)
- ART 151 - Foundations: 3-D Design (3 credits)
- ART 155 - Foundations: Introduction to Drawing I (3 credits)
Winter Semester (15 credits):
- Two general education courses credits, including MTH (6 credits)
- Three studio courses, including one course from a 3D area: CER, JEM, or SCU (9 credits)
Year Two
Fall Semester (18 credits):
- Three studio courses, including ART 153 - Foundations: Making and Meaning in Art and Design (3 credits) (9 credits)
- One general education course (3 credits)
- ART 221 - Survey of Art History I (3 credits)
Winter Semester (15 credits):
- Three studio courses, including one course from photography or film and video production (9 credits)
- One general education course (3 credits
- ART 222 - Survey of Art History II (3 credits)
Year Three
Fall Semester (15 credits):
- One general education-Issues courses (3 credits)
- Art history elective (3 credits)
- Three studio courses (9 credits)
Winter Semester (15 credits):
- One general education-Issues courses (3 credits)
- Art history elective (3 credits)
- Three studio courses (9 credits)
Year Four
Fall Semester (18 credits):
- Two general education courses (6 credits)
- Two studio courses (6 credits)
- ART 401 - Senior Seminar (3 credits) OR ART 413 - Graphic Design Professional Practice Seminar (3 credits)
- ART 495 - Issues in Art (Capstone) (3 credits)
Winter Semester (15 credits):
- Three general education courses (9 credits)
- One studio course (3 credits)
- ART 498 - Senior Project (3 credits)