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2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]

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Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education

The health and physical education teacher education PK-12 degree is designed to prepare professionals who promote quality health and physical education, lifelong skills, and developmentally appropriate activities. As such, the faculty prepare future health and physical educators through excellent teaching, scholarly activity, and service which reflect the program's commitment to the Society of Health and Physical Education (SHAPE America) Standards.



The College of Education and Community Innovation maintains CAEP accreditation for all teacher preparation programs. The health and physical education teacher education degree maintains approval from the Michigan Department of Education.

Requirements for a Major in Health and Physical Education

Students majoring in health and physical education teacher education PK-12 may obtain a Michigan certification to teach health and physical education. In addition, to the health and physical education content, those seeking teacher certification must complete a 39-credit professional education program from the College of Education and Community Innovation (see the GVSU College of Education and Community Innovation website for more information). Secondary admission to the College of Education and Community Innovation requires at least a 2.7 GPA overall and in the major.

Requirements for a Major in Health and Physical Education Teacher Education

Students in the health and physical education teacher education program at Grand Valley State University must follow all general education requirements as defined by the Grand Valley State University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog.

Health and Physical Education Teacher Education B.S. Course Requirements

The following must be completed for the major in physical education (nine credits):

Health and Physical Education Teacher Education Major Courses (credits: 60)

Suggested Order of Coursework for Health and Physical Education Teacher Education

Year One

Year Two

Year Three

Year Four

Year Five

Please note that one semester during your fourth/fifth year will be in an elementary setting and the other semester will be in the secondary setting. During the secondary semester, students will teach both health and physical education.

Health and Physical Education Program Description

Visit us online for the program description at

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