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2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]

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Badge in Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, Graduate

The badge for interprofessional education and collaborative practice [IPE/IPC] is a focus on the knowledge and application of IPEC [Interprofessional Collaborative] core competencies within and among health and related professions. The Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center [MIPERC] has provided an organization certificate since 2009 to students who participated in organization events. Students demonstrate new learning in areas of core competencies when students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes [WHO, 2010]. The purpose of this proposal is to increase the value of the micro credential as a badge and include university coursework and an application of knowledge through a culminating experience. Once approved, the MIPERC Certificate will be removed from the website.

Length of Time to Complete: a minimum of one calendar year is needed. Most students will complete in two years

Badge Criteria:

  • Students enrolled in the badge will meet with the disciplines IPE Faculty Champion to ensure clear expectations of badge completion.
  • Students will complete five foundational modules provided via Blackboard about the following topics. Each module has an assessment requiring an 80% pass rate.
  • Students will indicate receipt of an Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in the Workplace document that includes research about the duality of role development for the health care workforce []; research about health care employers response to IPC/IPP competencies for employment; content development [WHO]; and FAQ about benefits of IPC/IPP competency development.
  • Students will join and participate in the student-led Promoting Interprofessional Education for Students [PIPES] organization including a minimum of two interactions with community agencies to learn how multiple disciplines interface
  • Students will enroll and complete with a B- or better grade in a 1 to 5 credit course. A list of possible courses is made available to students on the Blackboard site and are listed below



Applied Food and Nutrition (graduate)

CD 640 - Supervised Practice: Clinical Nutrition II (5 credits)

Athletic Training

IPE 507 - Integrated Team Health Care (2 credits)


HRG 623 - Hearing Across the Lifespan (3 credits)

Health Administration

PNH 630 - Health Administration and Service (3 credits)

Medical Dosimetry

RMD 663 - Medical Dosimetry Clinical Education III (1 to 4 credits)

Occupational Therapy

OST 555 - Professional Socialization in Occupational Therapy (3 credits)

Physical Therapy (choose one)

PT 641 - Neuromuscular Examination (4 credits), PT 681 - Advanced Clinical Decision-making (2 credits)

Physician Assistant (choose one)

PAS 572 - Hospital Community Experience I (1 credit), PAS 573 - Hospital Community Experience II (1 credit), PAS 574 - Hospital Community Experience III (1 credit)

Public Health

PH 500 - Introduction to Public Health (3 credits)

Speech-Language Pathology

SLP 670 - Professional Seminar in Speech-Language Pathology (1 credit)

  • Students will participate and complete a minimum of six IPE/C activities such as simulations, case studies, patient presentations, huddles, journal discussions, service-learning. Offerings are provided ongoing with a minimum of 8 opportunities per calendar year.
  • Students will write a reflective statement to summarize IPE/C experiences demonstrating use of critical thinking to identify benefits and challenges. A rubric is provided.
  • Students will complete a summative/Culminating Experience. Students will determine a choice to demonstrate new learning about IPE/C through: writing a simulation case study, completing a literature review with resultant poster, or writing a research paper comparing and contrasting IPE/C implementation in multiple settings and submit for approval of the IPE Faculty Champion. Rubrics are provided.
  • It is the students responsibility to ensure that all documents are entered in a timely manner to the Blackboard site.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.