2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]
Combined Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Master of Athletic Training
Qualified undergraduates may choose to pursue an accelerated bachelor/master combined program and obtain both a B.S. in exercise science (clinical emphasis) and Master of Athletic Training within an accelerated time frame, usually five years. Students who choose to apply to this program may take graduate courses after being admitted to the Master of Athletic Training professional program and completing at least 90 undergraduate credits. Up to 12 credits of graduate work may be used in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the undergraduate degree (in alignment with university policy, a maximum of 12 credit hours of graduate work will count toward both the graduate and undergraduate degrees). All other master's degree requirements must be met, including a project and the graduate Capstone (ATH 689 - Professional Topics in Athletic Training). Please see the Master of Athletic Training catalog page for requirements for admission to the M.A.T. as admission is competitive.
After completing 120 credits and all requirements for the bachelor's degree, students are awarded a bachelor's degree.
Admission for Combined Degree
Students will normally apply to the combined degree program at the end of the fall semester during their third academic year and will be admitted for the winter semester. Please see the Master of Athletic Training catalog page for requirements for admission to the M.A.T. as admission is competitive and is handled through the Athletic Training Centralized Application Service (ATCAS). The student should view the complete application requirements in that online platform. Generally, application requirements include:
- Overall GPA of 3.00 or greater
- A minimum of C earned in all courses
- Two recommendations
- Academic transcripts
- Resume/CV and writing samples
- A minimum of 75 hours of documented observation
- Health care provider CPR/AED and first aid certifications
During Undergraduate Studies
All university requirements, including general education courses, must be completed before the final (graduate) year of the combined B.S./M.A.T. program. In the final undergraduate year (usually the fourth year), students will take 12 to 15 credits of graduate-level courses.
In accordance with university policy, students will earn a maximum of 12 graduate credits during their undergraduate program.
- Students may dual-count up to 12 credits of the following courses toward the clinical exercise science and Master of Athletic Training degrees. Students are strongly encouraged to work with their faculty advisor to ensure all undergraduate and graduate requirements are met.
During Graduate Studies
A student shall be considered a graduate student for all purposes upon either of the following events: the award of a baccalaureate degree or the completion of 12 graduate credit hours.
Suggested Order of Coursework
Note: The following sequence makes no attempt to minimize credit load. For example, the sequence assumes that all general education courses are distinct and no double dipping is done.
Year One
Requires 35 undergraduate credits, including:
- General education-Philosophy and Literature
- General education-Social and Behavioral Sciences
- BIO 120 - General Biology I (4 credits)
- BMS 105 - Basic Nutrition (3 credits)
- BMS 250 - Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits)
- CHM 109 - Introductory Chemistry (4 credits)
- MTH 110 - Algebra (4 credits)
- MOV 101 - Foundations of Human Movement Science (3 credits)
- PSY 101 - Introductory Psychology (3 credits)
- WRT 150 - Strategies in Writing (4 credits)
Year Two
Requires 37 undergraduate credits, including:
- General education-U.S. Diversity
- General education-Historical Analysis
- General education-Art
- *ATH 210 - Athletic Training Career Exploration (1 credit)
- BMS 251 - Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits)
- *CHM 234 - Introductory Biochemistry (4 credits)
- EXS 209 - Evidence-Based Practice in Exercise Science (3 credits)
- ATH 217 - Modern Principles of Athletic Training (2 credits)
- *ATH 218 - Modern Principles of Athletic Training Lab (1 credit)
- MOV 300 - Kinesiology (3 credits)
- MOV 304 - Introduction to Exercise Physiology (3 credits)
- PHY 200 - Physics for the Life Sciences (4 credits)
- STA 215 - Introductory Applied Statistics (3 credits)
Year Three
Requires 31 undergraduate credits, including:
- Elective
- General education-Issues
- General education-Issues
- General education-Global Perspective
- BMS 212 - Introductory Microbiology (3 credits)
- *BMS 223 - Infectious Human Diseases; Prevention and Control (3 credits)
- *BMS 310 - Basic Pathophysiology (3 credits)
- EXS 320 - Exercise Testing and Prescription (3 credits)
- EXS 321 - Exercise Testing Lab (1 credit)
- EXS 470 - Exercise for Special Populations (3 credits)
- MOV 310 - Motor Skill Development (3 credits)
Year Four
Requires 35 graduate credits, including:
- ATH 506 - Intervention and Referral (2 credits)
- ATH 514 - Assessment and Evaluation I (4 credits)
- ATH 515 - Assessment and Evaluation II (4 credits)
- ATH 521 - Athletic Training Clinical I (3 credits)
- ATH 522 - Athletic Training Clinical II (3 credits)
- ATH 523 - Methods of Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training (3 credits)
- ATH 525 - Prehospital Care of the Injured Patient (4 credits)
- ATH 530 - General Medical Conditions in Athletic Training (4 credits)
- ATH 575 - Therapeutic Interventions I (4 credits)
- IPE 507 - Integrated Team Health Care (2 credits)
- STA 610 - Applied Statistics for Health Professions (3 credits)
Year Five
Requires 24 graduate credits, including:
- ATH 607 - Pharmacology in Athletic Training (3 credits)
- ATH 626 - Athletic Training Clinical III (3 or 4 credits)
- ATH 628 - Athletic Training Clinical IV (3 to 4 credits)
- ATH 675 - Therapeutic Interventions II (4 credits)
- ATH 685 - Advanced Techniques in Athletic Training (2 credits)
- ATH 689 - Professional Topics in Athletic Training (3 credits)
- ATH 693 - Project in Athletic Training (1 to 3 credits)
The following courses are accepted substitutions in the undergraduate exercise science - clinical emphasis degree should a student choose not to complete the combined degree. Students are strongly encouraged to work with their faculty advisor to ensure all requirements are met.
- CHM 231 substituted for CHM 234
- ATH 210 and ATH 218 substituted for EXS 390
- BMS 223 substituted for PSY 310
- BMS 310 substituted for EXS 465
The following is a list of approved elective courses within exercise science. In consult with an academic advisor, additional elective courses may be approved.
- BIO 355 - Human Genetics (3 credits)
- BMS 375 - The Biology of Aging (3 credits)
- EXS 360 - Strength and Conditioning for Athletic Performance (3 credits)
- MOV 310 - Motor Skill Development (3 credits)
- MOV 350 - The Obesogenic Environment (3 credits)
- MOV 480 - Special Topics in Movement Science (1 to 3 credits)
- PSY 364 - Life Span Developmental Psychology (3 credits)
- STA 345 - Statistics in Sports (3 credits)
Graduation Without Completion of the Combined Degree Program
If a student decides at some point to pursue only the undergraduate portion of the combined degree, the graduate courses taken in lieu of undergraduate courses will still be recognized. Credit from the undergraduate degree cannot be used toward a graduate degree at a later date.
If a student should not be successful in their application for the M.A.T. or simply chose not to apply, that student would need to complete the following courses in their fourth year to earn their B.S. in clinical exercise science emphasis: