2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]
Combined Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and Post-professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy
Suggested Order of Coursework for Traditional Model
Fall One
- OST 502 - Theoretical Foundations in Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
- OST 551 - Conceptual Foundations of Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
- OST 552 - Practical Foundations of Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
- OST 553 - Foundations for Occupational Therapy Fieldwork (2 credits)
- OST 557 - Research Design in Occupational Therapy (2 credits)
- STA 610 - Applied Statistics for Health Professions (3 credits)
Winter One
- OST 505 - Limitations on Occupation (3 credits)
- OST 558 - Mental Health Services in Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
- OST 559 - Mental Health Laboratory (2 credits)
- OST 561 - Child and Adolescent Practice (3 credits)
- OST 562 - Child and Adolescent Laboratory (2 credits)
- OST 563 - Level I Fieldwork Part 1 (1 credit)
- OST 564 - Occupational Therapy Research Proposal (2 credits)
Spring/Summer One
- OST 503 - Group Occupations in Practice (3 credits)
- OST 571 - Adult Practice (3 credits)
- OST 572 - Adult Laboratory (3 credits)
- OST 573 - Level I Fieldwork Part 2 (1 credit)
- OST 735 - Public Policy and Advocacy (3 credits) (replaces PNH 668)
- OST 693 - Occupational Therapy Research Project (1 to 3 credits)
Fall Two
- OST 710 - Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health (3 credits) (replaces OST 555)
- OST 565 - Occupational Therapy Services Administration (3 credits)
- OST 651 - Older Adult Practice (3 credits)
- OST 652 - Older Adult Laboratory (3 credits)
- OST 653 - Level I Fieldwork - Part 3 (1 credit)
- OST 693 - Occupational Therapy Research Project (1 to 3 credits)
- OST 715 - Critical Analysis of Occupational Science (3 credits) (replaces OST 600)
Winter Two
Spring/Summer Two
TOTAL: 82 credits
Upon completion of these 82 credits, students will be awarded their M.S. in OT degree, will take and pass their NBCOT certification exam, and begin Dr.O.T. coursework listed as follows
Suggested Order of Coursework for Hybrid Delivery Model
Fall One
- OST 502 - Theoretical Foundations in Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
- OST 551 - Conceptual Foundations of Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
- OST 552 - Practical Foundations of Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
Winter One
- OST 503 - Group Occupations in Practice (3 credits)
- OST 505 - Limitations on Occupation (3 credits)
- OST 553 - Foundations for Occupational Therapy Fieldwork (2 credits)
- OST 715 - Critical Analysis of Occupational Science (3 credits) (replaces OST 600)
Spring/Summer One
- OST 710 - Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health (3 credits) (replaces OST 555)
- OST 735 - Public Policy and Advocacy (3 credits) (replaces PNH 668)
- STA 610 - Applied Statistics for Health Professions (3 credits)
Fall Two
- OST 557 - Research Design in Occupational Therapy (2 credits)
- OST 561 - Child and Adolescent Practice (3 credits)
- OST 562 - Child and Adolescent Laboratory (2 credits)
- OST 563 - Level I Fieldwork Part 1 (1 credit)
Winter Two
- OST 558 - Mental Health Services in Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
- OST 559 - Mental Health Laboratory (2 credits)
- OST 564 - Occupational Therapy Research Proposal (2 credits)
- OST 565 - Occupational Therapy Services Administration (3 credits)
Summer Two*
- OST 571 - Adult Practice (3 credits)
- OST 572 - Adult Laboratory (3 credits)
- OST 573 - Level I Fieldwork Part 2 (1 credit)
- OST 693 - Occupational Therapy Research Project (1 to 3 credits)
Fall Three*
- OST 651 - Older Adult Practice (3 credits)
- OST 652 - Older Adult Laboratory (3 credits)
- OST 653 - Level I Fieldwork - Part 3 (1 credit)
- OST 693 - Occupational Therapy Research Project (1 to 3 credits)
Winter Three**
Spring/Summer Three**
TOTAL: 82 credits
*Part-time fieldwork; **Full-time fieldwork
Upon completion of these 82 credits, students will be awarded their M.S.in OT degree, will take and pass their NBCOT certification exam, and begin Dr.O.T. coursework listed as follows.
Dr.O.T. courses that will be completed prior to beginning full-time Dr.O.T. coursework:
- OST 710 - Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health (3 credits)
- OST 715 - Critical Analysis of Occupational Science (3 credits)
- OST 735 - Public Policy and Advocacy (3 credits)
Remaining Dr.O.T. core courses:
Policy, Advocacy, and Leadership Courses
Education Courses
- OST 750 - Critical Thinking and Transformative Learning (3 credits)
- OST 754 - Curriculum Design in Occupational Therapy (3 credits)
Advanced Practice Courses
- OST 715 - Critical Analysis of Occupational Science (3 credits)
- OST 720 - Cultural and Contextual Influences on Occupational Performance (3 credits)
- OST 780 - Special Topics in Occupational Therapy (1 to 3 credits)
Doctoral Project:
- OST 730 - Applied Research Strategies for Practice (3 credits)
- OST 790 - Doctoral Project Preparation (3 credits)
- OST 793 - Doctoral Project Defense (1 to 6 credits) (need 6 credits total)
Upon completion of these 27 credits, students will be awarded their Dr.O.T. degree.