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2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]

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Combined Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and Post-professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy

Suggested Order of Coursework for Traditional Model

Fall One

Winter One

Spring/Summer One

Fall Two

Winter Two

Spring/Summer Two

TOTAL: 82 credits

Upon completion of these 82 credits, students will be awarded their M.S. in OT degree, will take and pass their NBCOT certification exam, and begin Dr.O.T. coursework listed as follows

Suggested Order of Coursework for Hybrid Delivery Model

Fall One

Winter One

Spring/Summer One

Fall Two

Winter Two

Summer Two*

Fall Three*

Winter Three**

Spring/Summer Three**

TOTAL: 82 credits

*Part-time fieldwork; **Full-time fieldwork

Upon completion of these 82 credits, students will be awarded their OT degree, will take and pass their NBCOT certification exam, and begin Dr.O.T. coursework listed as follows.

Dr.O.T. courses that will be completed prior to beginning full-time Dr.O.T. coursework:

Remaining Dr.O.T. core courses:

Policy, Advocacy, and Leadership Courses

Education Courses

Advanced Practice Courses

Doctoral Project:

Upon completion of these 27 credits, students will be awarded their Dr.O.T. degree.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.