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2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]

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Digital Media, Undergraduate Certificate

The digital media certificate will combine classroom knowledge, hands-on experience, and industry-recognized content/certificates to prepare students for a successful digital media marketing/communications career. Designed for students seeking knowledge and skills related to career opportunities in digital marketing and communications, certificate participants may find this improves career achievement in advertising, public relations, marketing, and communications in industries such as healthcare, corporate environments, nonprofit administration and leadership, and firm life among other possibilities. The digital media certificate can be earned in conjunction with any GVSU major program. Courses in this program can be applied to the requirements for other majors or minor programs and can be successfully stacked with other credentials for maximum educational impact.

Required Courses

Students who seek a digital media certificate must earn a bachelor degree in any major program. The certificate consists of a core which compromises the GVSU social media and analytics badge and then choose one track, either digital content creation OR innovation, strategy, and digital media for five total classes.

The following courses are required to fulfill certificate requirements:

Digital Media Certificate Core (3 classes, 9 credits):

These three classes (above) comprise the social media and analytics badge. To stack credentials, complete the digital media certificate requirements by adding a track, and finish the certificate.
Two tracks, Pick one track and add two Classes in the track list to complete the certificate:

Digital Content Creation Track (Pick two classes from the following)


Innovation, Strategy, and Digital Media Track (Pick two classes from the following)

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.