2025-2026 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog [In Progress]
- Finance (FIN)
- Fitness, Skill, & Activity (FIT)
- French (FRE)
- Full-Time Integrated MBA (MBA)
- Geography (GPY)
- Geology (GEO)
- German (GER)
- Global Studies & Social Impact (GSI)
- Greek (GRK)
- Health and Physical Education (HPE)
- Health Information Management (HIM)
- History (HST)
- History of Science (HSC)
- Honors College (HNR)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM)
- Human Rights (HRT)
- Integrated Studies (INT)
- Inter-Professional Education (IPE)
- Intercultural Training (ITC)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS)
- International Relations (IR)
- Italian (ITA)
- Japanese (JPN)
- Journalism (CJR)
- Journalism, Broadcast, Media (JBM)
- Korean (KOR)
- Laker Strategies for Success (LSS)
- Latin (LAT)
- Latin American Studies (LAS)
- Legal Studies (LS)
- Management (MGT)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Mathematics (MTH)
- Medical Laboratory Science (MLS)
- Microbiology (MIC)
- Middle East Studies (MES)
- Military Science and Leadership (MSL)
- Modern Languages and Literature (MLL)
- Movement Science (MOV)
- Music (MUS)
- Music, Art, Theatre (MAT)
- Natural Resources Management (NRM)
- Nursing (NUR)
- Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
- Occupational Science and Therapy (OST)
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
- Philosophy (PHI)
- Photography (PHO)
- Physical Education (PED)
- Physical Therapy (PT)