Curriculum Resources

How to use This Page

There is a world of information and resources for teachers on climate change available on the Internet.  However, not all sources are equally reliable or ready for classroom use. This page makes it easier to find quick access to vetted materials for various grade levels, provided by the top national and international agencies and programs.

Some excellent first stops on your journey could include:

  • Teaching Climate/NOAA
  • NASA Climate Kids
  • National Education Association
  • Association of American Geographers
  • And many others!
GVSU students standing in front of solar panels

GVSU students visiting Consumers Energy Solar Park as a part of GPY410 Landscape Analysis and Green Infrastructure class.

Peer-reviewed resources for climate education

PBS Learning Media

Observing Melting Glaciers in Greenland

  • Explore Greenland’s glaciers from the air, the ground, and the sea as a research scientist examines why glacier ice is melting faster than expected, in this media gallery featuring 360° video by FRONTLINE and NOVA. Grades 9-12

Climate Change Impacts and Solutions: Drought

  • In this set of activities and resources, students learn about impacts of drought through news videos of communities facing serious water shortages, analyze drought data and models from NOAA, and research and evaluate potential solutions. Grades 3-12

Climate Literacy

  • Find resources from a range of public media producers and curators that will help you learn and teach climate science literacy. The structure of this collection is based upon the Essential Principles of Climate Literacy. Grades K-12

The Last Generation: Climate Change and the Marshall Islands

  • Use this lesson plan to help students examine the impact of climate change through the stories of three children living in the Marshall Islands. Resources feature The Last Generation, an interactive documentary co-produced by FRONTLINE and The GroundTruth Project. Grades 8-1

UC Boulder: "A Changing Planet Educational Resources"

SILC Director & Environmental Studies Professor Jason Neff has developed a series of PowerPoint and YouTube videos for Introductory Environmental Science courses for free use. These resources include videos and PowerPoints prepared for the ENVS 1000 course at CU Boulder as well as additional PowerPoints for use with ‘A Changing Planet’ - a fully online text and assessment platform for Environmental Science

Other Recommended Sites

Harvard - The Climate Optimist 

It’s all too true. Climate change can feel overwhelming and so complex that you’re tempted to feel powerless. Harvard University’s Climate Optimist publication shifts the focus to provide a monthly dose of good news and helpful tips to help keep us focused on our shared mission to tackle climate change. It reminds us that climate change is real, it’s now, and we have solutions. Learn more about The Climate Optimist and Harvard University’s C-Change program from the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment. 

The Globe Program

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program is an international science and education program that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment.  

IPCC Special Report “Global Warming 1.5” Summary for Teachers

PDF that summarizes the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2018 report for teachers and students.

Highlights importance of minimizing global temperature change to 1.5 degrees Celsius and includes classroom activities that help illustrate how these changes will affect regional climates, ecological habitats, and human systems across the world.

National Education Association (NEA)

Establishes need for climate change education and offers suggestions for classroom material for different age groups. Features teacher guides, lesson plans, and classroom resources tailored to specific age ranges.

Alliance for Climate Education

Includes resources for student activism regarding climate change, features videos from students involved in climate change across the United States.

North American Association for Environmental Education

Features groups of educators focusing on specific environmental topics as well as an environmental education resource database with lesson plans and in-class assignments. Includes blog posts from environmental educators as well as webinars, online courses, and workshops.

UNESCO Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development

Includes link to PDF highlighting UNESCO’s goals and objectives in educating future generations on the challenges of climate change. Features methods of introducing climate change in classroom settings and outlines current and future projects focused on climate change and environmental education.

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)

Features a searchable database of climate and environmental resources. Each resource is vetted and reviewed by educators and tips for applying resource within the classroom are given. Includes free webinars outlining methods of teaching climate change and suggestions for developing lessons and models.

Climate Generation: Teach Climate Change

Includes climate change and energy lesson plans for students in 3 rd grade and above. Also features resources for educators such as online webinars and workshops tailored around climate education. Requires the creation of personal profile to access teaching content.

Young Voices for the Planet 

Resources for teachers and students (all grades), including videos, workshops, and civic engagement curriculum

Skeptical Science

This website gets skeptical about global warming skepticism. Do their arguments have any scientific basis? What does the peer reviewed scientific literature say?

Kottie Christie-Blick 

Climate change education consulting, "Equipping Teachers to Address Climate Change"

Climate Interactive Negotiations Games  

Association of American Geographers: Teaching about Climate Change 

US Energy Information Administration: Energy Kids for Teachers

National Geographic: Climate Change

Project Drawdown: 100 Solutions to Reverse Global Warming 

Science 360 Video Playlist

The United Nations Climate Change Learning Partnership

Wise Owl Factory

Climate change presentation recommended for grades K-3

Climate Change Live


UC-CSU NXTerra is a resource for college teachers from across all disciplines and anyone seeking to enhance their teaching and learning about the climate crisis, critical sustainability, and climate justice studies, both inside and outside the classroom.

Living Landscapes

The Living Landscapes Project is a comprehensive set of climate science educational resources designed by and for indigenous communities. Find a 10-episode video series and region-specific modules offering a robust climate science curriculum within the broader context of humanity’s relationship with nature." 

Climate Change Education Exchange

Climate Change Education Exchange is a web-portal to free online climate change education resources including lesson plans, curricular units, teacher training, data and media for climate change and associated topics: energy, water, environmental education, natural resource use and more.

Page last modified October 9, 2021