CECI Faculty Award Recipients for 2023

February 16, 2023

CECI Faculty Award Recipients for 2023

Congratulations to all the 2023 Faculty Award Recipients, and especially our CECI colleagues for being recognized for their excellence in teaching, outstanding contributions and service!

Priscilla Kimboko, Ph.D., Professor of Community Leadership and Development
Priscilla Kimboko is recognized for her exceptional work in applied gerontology and leadership skills. Over the past 20 years, she has served as Chair and Co-Chair on multiple organizational boards, bringing experts together to collaborate on policy change for older adults. For the past 17 years, she has organized the Annual Art and Science of Aging Conference on Grand Valley’s campus, hosting hundreds of participants and dozens of presenters. In addition to her conference work, Kimboko has provided professional education on essential health matters for older adults and served on committees and advisory boards at the local, state, and national levels. Her dedication and service have had a significant and positive impact on the aging community in West Michigan.

Paola León, Ph.D., Associate Professor of of Social Work

Paola León’s commitment to internationalization is steadfast. She brings passion and leadership to the classroom, her department, her college, and Grand Valley. León has been integral in elevating globalization into Grand Valley’s social work curriculum. Her colleagues indicate she continually strives to infuse a global perspective everywhere possible, whether leading students to El Salvador and Guatemala or mentoring them in programs in Grand Rapids and Ghana. She has designed and restructured social work courses to focus on diversity, equity, and human rights, all with an international focus. León is a Fulbright scholar and has conducted significant work in Peru, including creating a partnership with Grand Valley’s School of Social Work and San Marcos National University in Lima, Peru.

Richard Vandermolen, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Counseling
As an instructor, Rick Vandermolen intentionally grounds the use of technology in pedagogical research to meet his students’ needs, including challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether using mainstream technologies or exploring new and emerging ones, such as Owl cameras and active learning classrooms, he leads with knowledge, clear expectations, and strong guidance for students. A colleague states, “Dr. Vandermolen is a role model of leadership in our program, department, and college regarding technology integration…[and] active dissemination.” From chairing his college’s technology committee to his involvement in campus faculty learning communities, Vandermolen embodies excellence in teaching with technology.

Joseph Fisher, Ph.D., Professor of Teaching and Learning
Setting a new standard in Grand Valley’s special education program, Joseph Fisher and colleagues embraced the purpose of translating “research into classroom practice at a level that improves the educational outcomes of children with disabilities.” In his words, “Reorienting the program to this standard significantly changed my teaching philosophy and dramatically challenged and enhanced my approach to teaching.” This led to the design of purposeful clinical teaching experiences for Grand Valley students, centered on this ideal. Even in the pandemic, Fisher held this value as he and his students successfully pivoted to online instruction. Reflecting on his teaching excellence, an experienced colleague states, “his teaching is simply brilliant.”

Full list of award recipients

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Page last modified February 16, 2023