Alumni Spotlights

Hannah Witte '20 Spotlight

Hannah Witte '20

While completing my English major, I felt like I was not a good enough critical thinker and writer compared to my peers, but when I took a class with professor Kurt Bullock, he made me recognize that I actually excel in these areas.

Tiffany Larson '11 Spotlight

Tiffany Larson '11

My favorite GV memory was studying abroad with the HTM program in Italy!

Emily Miller '14 & '20 Spotlight

Emily Miller '14 & '20

A favorite GVSU memory was creating and curating a student art show with my friend (also art teacher) Michelle Haapala. As art education majors, a final show was not part of our degree, but we wanted to show what our students could do.

Emily Gorno '21 Spotlight

Emily Gorno '21

Some of my favorite memories at GVSU were within my integrated science classes. I made some lifelong friends, being crammed together in the same classes for two years, and we had many good times together in Padnos.

Kathee Lamberies '03 & '05 Spotlight

Kathee Lamberies '03 & '05

A favorite Grand Valley memory is meeting two friends, Jill and Brad, and having all of our 300 and 400-level classes together! It was so nice to go through all that with a core group of friends!

Tiffany Clarke '09 & '11 Spotlight

Tiffany Clarke '09 & '11

I loved meeting my friends for lunch at the commons on Wednesdays each week. These meet ups included pizza and a lot of laughs!

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Page last modified January 25, 2022