CECI Strategic Planning Process 2024-2025

Working Groups

Empowering students and their success

Monica Harris

Vicky Wright

Capacity Building for the future

Clay Pelon

Advancing adult participant and post-graduate education


Caring for people and culture

Jennifer Marson

Celebrating and nurturing research and scholarship

Raymond Higbea

Engaging with the community

Kathy Bailey

Neal Buckwalter

Mei Ma



Each unit and committee will volunteer 2 people to one of 6 working groups. Average of 6 persons on each group. Vacancies will be filled by volunteers.
Each working group will propose 1 to 3 items for consideration.

  • objective
  • strategies to reach objective
  • baseline data
  • measurable goals with target dates

Other groups or individuals may also propose items for consideration


Proposals are published for written comment.


Proposed items are sent back to authors for editing, based on comments


  • Town Halls held to discuss proposed items.
  • Faculty Council and Dean screen proposals for compatibility with university mission and policies.


Proposed items are voted on by faculty and staff.


Page last modified August 29, 2024