Alumni Spotlights


Antoinette Martin '20

My favorite memory of Grand Valley was when one of my meeting and event classes coordinated the Career Center Open house.

Holly Mertens '13

My favorite memory of Grand Valley is working in the Dean's office at the Seidman College of Business. I was able to get to know H. James Williams and also support students.

Christina McElwee '05 & '08

One of my favorite memories from Grand Valley was being a part of the GVSU Dance Troupe. I had never taken any type of organized dance classes prior but soon fell in love with the art of dance. I still dance both recreationally and competitively today.

Tiffany Larson '11

My favorite GV memory was studying abroad with the HTM program in Italy!

Emily Gorno '21

Some of my favorite memories at GVSU were within my integrated science classes. I made some lifelong friends, being crammed together in the same classes for two years, and we had many good times together in Padnos.

Diane Knight '79

My favorite GV memory was traveling with the football and basketball teams (as a cheerleader) to play in tournaments.

Allison Staley '12 & '17

I have so many memories! One of the top ones would be watching our football team win the game that sent them to nationals! The goal post got taken down by the fans rushing the field and we got to take a picture with it.

Cory Jackson '12

There are so many great memories! As an overarching theme, I participated in Alternative Breaks and those collectively were some of my best memories from GVSU. I met my wife through the program and made some life-long friends.

Kristina Pepelko '12 & '19

My favorite Grand Valley memories were made by being a part of student organizations, especially the Humane Society of Grand Valley and the Student Environmental Coalition.

Sharese Mathis(Shannon) '05

I spent the majority of my time at GVSU serving as a Multicultural Assistant and being a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated. A specific memory was traveling to Alabama in 2001 for the Football National Championship with my good friend Yolan

Page last modified July 1, 2024