
Kraig Lee Whitmyer, '18 & '23, is featured in Alumni in 10

Kraig Lee Whitmyer, '18 & '23, is featured in Alumni in 10

Protection unit intern within the Protection Unit at Japan Association for Refugees (JAR)/English instructor for Berlitz.Co Japan

Degree Earned/Emphasis Area
BA in Criminal Justice and French

1. What has your journey been since graduation?
Since my graduation in 2018, I left the beautiful city of Grand Rapids and moved to the land of the rising sun, Japan. Currently, I am a protection unit intern within the Protection Unit at the Japan Association for Refugees (JAR) in Nishikanda, Tokyo. I support refugees in Japan so that they can achieve a normal life by helping them with legal advising, providing meals and other essential resources, and offering assistance regarding employment opportunities. I am an English instructor as well for Berlitz.Co Japan in Ochanomizu, Tokyo, where I conduct lessons that advance English fluency for Japanese college students, business professionals, and medical personnel. Some of my daily administrative responsibilities are customizing lesson plans, typing up daily student counseling reports, and conducting placement tests. Nowadays, I am actively involved with the Association of International Educators (NAFSA) by participating in e-learning seminars, higher education community planning and discussion, and annual higher education policy updates. I will start my Master’s program in the higher education field with a concentration in College Student Affairs Leadership (CSAL) at Grand Valley in 2021. 

2. How has Grand Valley had a role in your journey?
Who knows exactly where I would be without Grand Valley. A few things would be certain, I might not have thrown myself out of Michigan and into any of the 17 countries that I have lived and visited over these past years, nor would I have met some of the most inspiring leaders in my field of study, or gotten the chance to make an impact on local communities abroad.

3. What is your favorite Grand Valley memory?
Enjoying my first Laker bowl celebration with my Freshmen roommates after our “Come Sail Away” jam session with T-Haas at the Fieldhouse.

4. What three words describe your experience at Grand Valley?
Adventurous, Cultural, and Timeless.

5. How, and why, have you stayed involved with Grand Valley since graduation?
I’ve stayed involved with Grand Valley by helping Grand Valley students and Alumni that have been interested in moving and living abroad. While in Japan, I have continued to connect fellow Lakers with any support that they need during their pursuits. I plan to get more involved with the Grand Valley Alumni Association before coming back to start my Master’s program. Being involved in any way with Grand Valley presents an opportunity to motivate and assist current students to the limitless possibilities. How can you not want to be a part of something so grand?

6. Why are you proud to be a Laker for a Lifetime?
I’m proud to be a Laker for a Lifetime because I belong to a community that brings other communities together. No community is too small, big, near, or far to be impacted by the Laker Effect. Seeing the impact at the global scale has amplified my Laker pride to new heights. In my mind, we all are just out here in this gigantic world trying to support our communities in a similar way which our second home, Grand Valley has supported us.

7. What do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy traveling the unknown backstreets of any country, seasonal activities during Fall, and grabbing local drinks with friends wherever I might be.

8. What is your favorite quote/motto to live by?
"Do something you really like, and hopefully it pays the rent. As far as I'm concerned, that's success." -Tom Petty

9. What motivates you?
Connecting local communities around the world that might have never crossed paths against all odds.

10. What book or movie have you recently enjoyed?
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. If you’re searching for a movie to make you leave your house immediately without any luggage and hop on an airplane with no planned destination, this is your movie.

July 2020

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Page last modified August 4, 2020