
Students Leaving a Mark (SLAM) Service Learning Trip 2020

Students Leaving a Mark (SLAM) Service Learning Trip 2020

This year, SLAM partnered with former SLAM member, Chris Gale '12.  Chris is the Center Director for North 10 Philadelphia, a community organization which operates the Lenfest Center, located in Philadelphia, PA.  This unique partnership provided students with service learning experiences to enhance their understanding of service, social justice and the interrelationship between personal and professional values.

Students Leaving a Mark (SLAM) is a student organization dedicated to provided its membership with academic, cultural and social opportunities to enrich the students' professional leadership potential in the field of nonprofit management, leadership and social entrepreneurship in conjunction with the GVSU School of Public, Nonprofit and Health Administration.

If you are interested in becoming a SLAM member, please contact Quincy Williams, SLAM's academic advisor, at [email protected].

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Page last modified April 8, 2020