Dave Leonard - Pictures

Jozlyn Clasman--Protein Society, July 2014

ACS Enzymes Meeting, Coronado CA, Jan. 2013
Dave, Neil, Josh, Zak, Kip

Maddison staying cool at Argonne

Who says nothing good happens after 2 am? Josh, Neil, Zak, Kip and Rob at Argonne National Labs, July 28

Mujahid Anwar--April 2012

Luke Ulberg at work purifying protein--2012

Summer crew, 2009: Nick, Caleb, Stephanie, Kyle and Dave

OXA-1 crystals (Kyle Schneider)

Kyle loads a crystal into the liquid nitrogen stream at Argonne National Labs, Summer 2008

Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference, University of Chicago, October 2008
Kyle "Schneiky" Schneider, Rachel Powers, Dave Leonard, Jim Ruble, Chris Davis and Nick Renck

Nick Renck and our crystallography collaborator Hannah Montana (aka Rachel Powers)--Halloween 2008