Alumni in Action

Eva Gulotty, '16

Eva Gulotty, '16

What is your current position and what do you find exciting about it?

I am a Scientist in the Process Chemistry group at Snapdragon Chemistry, a Cambrex Company. We are a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) known for our expertise in the development of chemical processes for the development of complex synthetics, specifically incorporating continuous process technology and reactor design tailored to the client’s process and scale-up needs. Since we are contract experts for other chemical companies, our projects tend to be executed on shorter timeframes and are by nature at the cutting edge of practical chemical synthesis, resulting in projects which are intellectually challenging and quite fun.

How did your GVSU Chemistry/Biochemistry degree help you prepare for your position?

GVSU's strong technical training prepared me with a broad knowledge core to build from in graduate school and once I started in industry. We are a smaller company, so the chemistry team frequently collects and processes our own analytical data, skills which GVSU taught. The way that we tackle process chemistry problems begins with understanding the mechanism of the chemistry and building the reactor design and operational parameters from that understanding, a basis which reflects the focus of the in lab training provided at GVSU.


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Page last modified August 21, 2024