Alumni in Action

Jody Wycech '12

Jody Wycech '12

What is your current position and what do you find exciting about it? 

I am currently a Chemist in the Petroleum Geochemistry Research Laboratory at the US Geological Survey (USGS) in Denver, Colorado. I love analyzing geologic samples (petroleum, natural gas, and rocks) because they carry important information about the environment and always offer a new challenge due to their complex chemistries. On a broader level, I've enjoyed working at the USGS because I'm directly contributing to an important public service objective (i.e. assessing energy resources).

How did your GVSU Chemistry degree help you prepare for your position? 

On a daily basis I use the concepts and laboratory techniques that I learned in every (yes, every) chemistry class I took at GVSU. Although most of what I do is defined as analytical chemistry, I still apply my knowledge of organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry to understand the degradation and structure of biomarkers, rock mineralogy, and the partitioning of stable isotopes in nature. In addition, my first research and instrument troubleshooting experiences with Dr. Qi and Jim Krikke at GVSU were a critical first step for me to attain academic research fellowships and my current position.

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Page last modified October 15, 2020