Updated Recommendation Process

The process of submitting recommendation forms to the College of Health Professions undergraduate programs has changed. Students are no longer responsible for sending the recommendation form to their recommenders. Instead, there is a recommendation section within the application and applicants will provide their recommender contact information. CHP Student Services will then contact recommenders with the necessary information to complete the students recommendation.  

Students responsibility: 

  • Within the program application, provide the name and contact information for the required number of recommenders.
  • It is a professional courtesy to notify the "Recommender" in advance that they will be receiving a link from our office and to request their prompt response. 
  • The recommendation link cannot be sent out until after we receive your completed application, therefore you are encouraged to submit your application no later than two weeks before the application deadline. 

If you have any questions about this new process please email Emma Plummer at plummemm@gvsu.edu or call 616-331-5900

Thank you!

Page last modified September 16, 2024