Immigration: Think Global - Act Local

Fall 2016: IDS 350-01

Professor Jack R. Mangala

Course Description

This course takes an interdisciplinary and grassroots approach to the study of immigration. Students are challenged to think critically about the processes and issues driving international migration (globalization, poverty, conflicts, human rights and the environment) as well as its impact on sending and host countries and communities.

A core emphasis of the course, and an area of experiential learning for students, will be on grassroots initiatives and local efforts aimed at building welcoming cities and communities for immigrants and refugees. The overarching objective of the course is to enable students to develop the skills and intellectual assets needed to engage in civil discourse on the defining issue of immigration.

Why Enroll in IDS-350 at Grand Valley?

• Prepares students for the ever increasingly diverse world of people and cultures.
• Thought-provoking discussion on a topical issue impacting national and global politics.
• The opportunity to directly impact the west Michigan area.
• Study global culture, history, and human rights.
• Discuss the impact immigration has on societies.
• Fulfill requirement for General Education Issues.

Page last modified February 11, 2020