Wanting a civil discourse workshop for your team, organization or office?  The Center for Civil Discourse offers workshops, focusing on dialoguing across difference. Workshops are tailored to meet your group's needs.

Interested? Reach out to us today at [email protected] or contact Lisa M. Perhamus, Director of the Center, at [email protected] for more information!

Considering a Training? Check Out Past Testimonials from Training Participants

Trustees and staff engaging in dialogue during the civil discourse training.

Trustees and staff engaging in dialogue during the civil discourse training.

Photo by: The Fremont Area Community Foundation

Civil Discourse Training Testimonial: The Fremont Area Community Foundation

“Fremont Area Community Foundation trustees and staff were moved by the valuable training provided by Lisa and Greg on Civil Discourse.  In fact, because of the training value, we are anticipating engaging in at least two – three more sessions to delve deeper into their techniques.  We view this work as essential to philanthropy, and to the quality of life in our communities.  I was particularly moved by the dialogues versus debate discussion, and the cues on body language and active listening.  I’ve never had better civil discourse engagement training, and highly recommend it to colleagues, communities and citizens concerned with an increasingly coarse society.” (Shelly Kasprzycki, President and CEO of The Fremont Area Community Foundation)


Trustees and staff engaging in dialogue during the civil discourse training.

Trustees and staff engaging in dialogue during the civil discourse training.

Photo by: The Fremont Area Community Foundation

Civil Discourse Training Testimonial: Public Relations Student Society of America GVSU Chapter (GVPRSSA)

The Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse was able to provide students at GVPRSSA with a workshop to assist them in their pre-professional journey by introducing them to civil discourse tools for the workplace. Thank you for having us, GVPRSSA!

"It was very insightful to hear from Lisa about how to engage in civil discourse in difficult situations and the importance of letting our personal values, as well as those of our peers, be heard and understood in those conversations. The workshop taught me new tactics that I previously did not know about redirecting and framing conversations. Learning what types of questions I could ask in a conversation to reframe the discussion will undoubtedly be helpful in my future professional and personal lives. For GVPRSSA and the members who were present, these skills will also be helpful in future professional conversations. Since we work in communications, there will certainly be instances when we are put in uncomfortable or difficult situations that we will need to navigate through. Having the chance at the end of the workshop to actively participate in a role-play scenario was also beneficial, as we were able to practice what we had learned and ask any questions that arose from the conversations we had. Overall, the workshop opened our eyes to the importance of civil discourse and provided us with various tools that will continue to help us work through complex discussions." (Morgen Head '24, GVPRSSA DEI Committee Chair) 

Students from GVPRSSA participating in the workshop event.

Students from GVPRSSA participating in the workshop event.

Page last modified May 23, 2024