Calm the Chaos: Honoring All Voices in Public Education

10th Annual Civil Discourse Symposium

Date & Time:

November 16, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.


Seidman Center (Downtown Pew Campus)
50 Front Ave SW,
Grand Rapids, MI 49504


American society has no shortage of polarizing issues with which to contend, and we are struggling with many of these within our public schools. A problem, however, is the harmful, dysfunctional ways these issues can sometimes find expression. We can approach current cultural tensions around how schools manage collections in media centers, teach U.S. history, or respond to LGBTQ+ issues with healthy dialogue and deliberation. Instead, we are seeing a striking increase in shouting matches at school board meetings and politicized, top-down policy and curricular decisions. If we cannot ensure that students are afforded a basic education within safe spaces called schools, then have we, as a country, failed on one of our fundamental promises to the next generation?

Join us for a panel and round table discussions with school leaders, parents, teachers, and students. We can find better ways to engage in dialogue that builds curiosity, understanding, and respect for all voices. This interactive event is free and open to the public; registration is required. 

6:00-6:30 p.m. - Refreshments 
6:30-8:30 p.m. - Program

This event is approved for INT 100/201 and HNR 201 credit!


10th Annual Civil Discourse Symposium flyer

Page last modified May 9, 2024