Our Team

Our Team

First Name

Last Name



Academic Advisor

Office Address
C-1-120 Mackinac Hall

Office Phone


Hello! My name is Michele (with one L) and I am so thrilled to be part of the CLAS advising team. I plan to write my journey one day into a bestselling book because it is a tale with twists, turns and surprises but for now I’ll give you the quick notes.

I am a proud Laker having gone to GVSU for both my undergrad and graduate degrees. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, a Master of Education in Higher Education and a Post-Degree Certification in Substance Abuse Counseling, and truthfully I am a lifelong learner with goals to obtain another degree. While I grew up in the mitten believing I would never leave, in 2020 (yes you read that right) I decided we get one life and I wanted to take chances. By taking chances I can now say I have lived in Michigan, Arizona, Florida, and then back to Michigan. Along the way I have had the honor of working with a diverse group of students, faculty, and staff at different institutions. While I wouldn’t trade my experiences, the goal when I graduated with my Master’s degree was to return to where it all began: GVSU. After my cross-country journey, I am thrilled to be an advisor for the very department within which I started my journey as a freshman.

I am a new mom, so my “free time” is keeping this tiny human entertained. Outside of raising a human, I also enjoy spending time with family, friends, my dog, reading, working out/running, cooking, photography, and music to name a few things. I look forward to helping you reach your goals, so it is only fair you know a goal of mine. Currently, I plan to run (and finish) the Grand Rapids Marathon. Let’s achieve these goals together!


Page last modified October 9, 2023